He's More important [Lee Know]

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"Innie, Innie, are you okay bud?" the choreographer asked as he caught I.N who was falling to the floor.

The other members rushed over and surrounded Jeongin and their choreographer.

"I'll get Hyunwoo hyung," Seungmin said as he rushed out of the studio to grab their manager who was in his and Jae's office.

Lee Know helped their choreographer move Jeongin to a couch while Chan and Changbin tried to get the other worried members to back up.

"It's his heart hyung," Lee Know said to the choreographer as he checked Jeongin's pulse which was extremely fast.

It was known throughout the company that Jeongin had a heart condition called arrhythmia. All of the staff and members knew the signs of Jeongin's heart acting up and they were all trained in case something did happen to the maknae like it was now.

Hyunwoo came rushing into the room with Seungmin following behind him.

Once Hyunwoo saw the state of the maknae he took out his phone and called the emergency number and was notified that an ambulance was on its way and to stay on the line just in case Jeongin's heart did stop beating.

The choreographer dismissed himself after Hyunwoo insisted he should leave and then took his place beside Jeongin and Lee Know.

Lee Know was beyond worried about Jeongin, he knew the seriousness of his condition. Jeongin gave him one of the worst scares of his life weeks before Stray Kids' debut.

It all happened when Jeongin urged Minho to stay back and help him perfect the choreography for Hellevator.

Jeongin was working so hard that night that his heart started acting up.

Lee Know insisted that Jeongin should've just called it a night however Jeongin ignored his physical state and continued with the choreography to the point that his heart stopped beating.

Lee Know was scarred for life from that night, the feeling of Jeongin's ribs breaking while he did chest compressions was a feeling that Lee Know couldn't quite kick.

Luckily the paramedics came quickly and pulled Lee Know off of the other boy. Lee Know didn't realize what had just happened until Chan pulled him into a hug as the boy stared blankly in the waiting room of the hospital as the doctors worked on Jeongin in another room.

Once he was able to see Jeongin, Jeongin told him about his condition. "I never told anyone because I thought it was embarrassing," the teenager told Minho which formed a deep cut into Minho's heart.

Ever since then Minho took Jeongin's condition extremely seriously and made sure that Jeongin knew that he could trust him with anything.

Minho monitored Jeongin's heart just like the operator told him to. Jeongin had woken up by now but he was still in a dazed state as Minho rubbed his chest slightly, letting him know that everything was going to be okay.

Chan escorted all the members out of the practice room once he saw that Jeongin woke up, trying not to overwhelm the youngest.

Thankfully the paramedics came in within the next ten minutes and took Jeongin out on a stretcher, Minho and Hyunwoo followed the ambulance in the van. Hyunwoo insisted that Minho should say home and rest but Lee Know insisted that he was going to go with him. The two of them waited in the waiting room for a few hours to get news from Jeongin's doctor.

That night the two boys didn't get home until the next day. Jeongin was being held so the doctor could make sure that his heart was functioning correctly before he was allowed to go home. When the doctor told Hyunwoo and Lee Know, Hyunwoo thought that they would both go home and then come back in the morning but Lee Know was persistent about staying with Jeongin, which he did.

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