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November 22nd, 10pm.

Milena was now seated next to Kylian's mom, as usual. The match was about to start and she couldn't help but feel a little tense, even if she had faith in the team.

After seeing her brother Lucas get injured, she always felt stressed watching Théo play. So naturally, before being excited to see him play, her concerns about his health came first.

But of course, she'd never tell him. Way too prideful for that. His head would explode.

As the match started, Milena was so out of it. she couldn't help but think about her interaction with Adrien earlier. He could've just passed by and ignored her, or he could've just said some vague encouragements and leave. But no, once again, he had to be annoying, tease her, and borderline flirt with her.

Everything about his behavior was just the usual, though. Only the vague flirting thing was new.

When they first met, Milena could feel they wouldn't get along, ever. So, in an attempt to be friends with him, since everyone seemed to be friends with him, she tried everything. Lighthearted banter? Seemed like he didn't get it. Being nice? He would just ignore her efforts. Friendly, mindless flirting? Always had something sort of rude to say, or nothing at all.

The only thing that ever led them to interact properly was when Milena gave up and just started reciprocating his energy by being rude. Then, he would start laughing, or being rude back.

So to see him do that 'flirting' bit with her? Very out of character. Maybe he had fallen on his head this morning, it would explain everything.

By the time she snapped out of her ruminations, she realised the French team was in the Australian half of the field. She quickly noticed her brother on the side of the field, before he shot in the center...

And they scored!

Before Milena could attempt to figure out who had just score a head goal, it became very clear. It was Adrien. Maybe he didn't lie when he said he would score tonight, but she definitely wasn't expecting him to score the first one. Especially with an assist from her brother!

There was only one thing left... The celebration. She waited, amused, wondering if he would have the guts to do it in front of her brother. And there he was, blowing Milena a kiss from the field.

The girl couldn't help but feel awkward, her cheeks getting red with embarrassment, rolling her eyes. She checked Théo's reaction just in case, and he didn't even seem to notice.

Kylian's mom laughed at the scenery.

- I see you two finally made up.

Kylian's mom said laughing, after noticing the celebration.

- Weirdly enough, we still hate each other.

Milena replied, her cheeks still red from the embarrassment he caused her, yet amused.

Her eyes couldn't stray away from Adrien. She was confused by everything that happened, doubting any of this was real.

But that was a question for another day.

The rest of the match flew by, with two other goals by Giroud and one by her bestfriend, Kylian.

His goal felt special; his own mom was hugging her to celebrate it, as if she was part of the family in some way.

Once the match was over, Milena decided to take a cab with Kylian's mother to get her back to her hotel, before going back by herself to the team's hotel.

Milena didn't want to wait for them to finish celebrating and get in the bus, she was way too impatient for that, and she didn't want to intrude. Plus, she didn't feel like being in a bus full of men.

Once she got in her room, she changed into her night clothes and laid on her bed on her stomach, exhausted. The interview had stressed her out to the point where she was tired even after doing almost nothing today.

Bzz bzz. Her phone rang.

That was Paulo again, congratulating her for France's win tonight.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes. "How am I responsible for their win?" she thought. She simply sighed and didn't reply, closing her eyes.

Bzz bzz. Milena glanced at her phone, Paulo again.

paulo - 01h12
what are you doing?

A groan escaped her lips, not yet decided to answer.

She was starting to feel annoyed at everything and everyone, especially since all she wanted was sleep. So she put her phone face down, and closed her eyes again.

Bzz bzz. Again?

paulo - 01h20
i can see that you saw my texts

paulo - 01h21

Last text got a tired laugh out of her, right before someone knocked at her door.

Why did everyone want to talk to her tonight? Hadn't she talked enough during the interview? Her social battery was gone.

- What? Who's that?

No answer, just the slight creaking sound of the door opening. Milena turned her head to see who was there.

Ah, Adrien again.

She locked her phone and turned the sound off, before sitting properly on her bed, simply staring at him, not knowing what to say or do besides beating him up and kicking him out.

He sat down next to her, and she could've sworn she saw him glancing at her phone. Was this an inspection? Felt like one.

- What did you think of the goal?

Adrien asked, finally breaking the silence.

- Easy one, not impressed.

Milena teased him, giving up oh-so quickly on being polite and laying down on her bed properly so she could at least look at him.

- What about the celebration?

He retorted, turning around to look at her, a small smirk on his face.

- Thought you would forget.

- I have a better memory than you'd think.

She snorted. He had this arrogant attitude to him that he could never even try to conceal.

- It was a bit awkward though, wasn't it? Right in front of my own brother? Don't you feel shame, Rabiot?

Milena teased again, wondering how he'd take the comment. Adrien was very touchy, after all.

But instead, he didn't reply. He just let out a tiny hum in semi-agreement, instead looking around, progressively sinking into her mattress, only supported by his elbows.

A moment passed in complete silence. It could've lasted 2 minutes like 20, she didn't know. All she knew is that it felt nice, for once.

- How come you're so short? I'm half laying at the end of your bed and I'm not even crushing your legs. I could literally sleep there and our bodies wouldn't even touch.

Of course, he had to speak. She kicked his elbow and he almost fell completely.

- Be glad I'm not taller, you would have a concussion by now.

And for some reason, then, he laughed. It was such a rare occurrence for her to make him laugh, they usually didn't find each other very amusing.

After he stopped laughing, he looked at her with a little smile for what felt like hours, but only lasted 30 seconds at best.

Then, he opened his mouth, as if he had something to say but stopped himself.

- Good night, Milena.

He finally said, patting her leg before standing up and leaving the room.

- Good night, Adrien.

She finally replied, as he left the room.

What a weird day today was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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