Chapter One

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THE RAIN POURED against Alex's window as she settled into bed for the night. Her hand quickly finding the remote for her smart tv before opening Hulu and beginning to scroll through the endless shows and movies. Finally she came across one of her favorite shows, MTV's Teen Wolf.

The intro was like a jolt of energy, instantly grabbing her attention after a mind-numbing day of exams. As the opening credits rolled, she felt her pulse quicken, eager to be immersed in the story ahead.

She sank into the softness of her pillow, feeling the gentle pitter-patter of rain against the window. The dim light in her room added to the cozy atmosphere, and as the episode played, her body began to relax, sinking deeper into the embrace of sleep. It was like the world outside her window faded away, and all that existed was the soothing lull of the show and the comfort of her bed.


Blinking against the harsh light, Alex found herself in a completely unfamiliar setting - far from the quiet familiarity of her Colorado home.

Groaning as her bones slightly crack while she sits up and starts looking around her surroundings. A few seconds was all it took for her to realize she was currently sitting in a burnt down house. Her breathing and heartbeat became rapid as the nerves and panic took control of her body.

She hoped that this was some weird dream- or rather nightmare, and not that she had been completely kidnapped from her bed.

"Where the hell am I?" She takes a look around. It looks familiar. Every single thing about it.The way the furniture was strewn about, and the boarded up windows along all the walls. Every other room however was empty besides the dust and ash continuously being blown off of the walls from the wind.

"Oh my god," Alex gasps. She was in Beacon Hills, but more specifically she was in the Hale family house.

"What the hell did you do Alex?" Alex asks herself quietly, afraid to speak too loud in case someone was actually here.

Apparently it wasn't quiet enough. A shadow from the stairs shows itself as it makes its way down. Fans would know that figure anywhere.

"Who are you?" Derek asks, his voice rough from having just woke up.

"Who are you?" She knows who he is, but he doesn't know that.

"Derek. Though I'm surprised you already don't know that."

Alex shrugs, "You don't find it weird that a random girl woke up in your... house?"

"Honestly? A lot of weird things happen here, I don't get surprised by much."

"Right... well, it was nice meeting you, but I'm not from here and not entirely sure how I got here, so I'll be on my merry way," she makes her way to the door, but he gently grabs her wrist before she can leave.

"Wait...You shouldn't go out there by yourself."

"And why is that?" Alex asks, her eyes narrowing

He looks at her for a few seconds longer before saying, "It's dangerous."


"Just trust me, okay? Let me give you a ride somewhere, or stay here and we can figure things out."

"I definitely do not want to stay here with a stranger, no offense. Also, you think you could let go of my wrist, buddy?" She asks with a sharp tone.

"Technically we're not strangers. You know my name and I know yours," he releases Alex's wrist from his grasp.

She scoffs and rubs the area where he had grabbed hold of. Not really knowing what to say after that, Alex takes a seat on a chair that was probably going to fall apart at any second. She runs her hands over her face in an attempt to wash away the frustration.

"So, you have no idea how you got here?"

"Nope. I was sleeping in my bed last night, and all of a sudden I woke up and poof...I'm in Derek Hale's house."

"Oh, so you do know who I am, then?" He smirks.

"I uh..."

"Did you drink last night?" He asks.

"No, I'm 17! I'm not legally able to drink. Even if I was, I wouldn't. My parents would literally disown me."

Derek's eyebrows crease, and he holds his hands up in defense, "How was I supposed to know how old you were?"

"I don't know... sorry, just i'm just a little terrified right now."

"It's okay. I get it. How can I help you get back to your place? If you need a ride I could probably get you there."

"It's a bit more complicated than that, Derek. I'm not exactly from this...universe?"

"I don't follow."

Alex lets out a sigh, and her shoulders drop, "It's hard to explain. But I guess technically the easiest way I can tell you is that I've somehow time traveled."

"Time travel? Really?"

"You don't believe me?"

"I-I don't know, kind of," Derek stammers with his words. Part of him did believe Alex, and part of him didn't. A lot of weird and crazy things happen in Beacon Hills that this very much could be possible.

"I don't know what else to tell you, then."

"I think I know a few people who could help us."

"Sc- I, uh, yeah that's... that's fine. Probably for the best," Alex nods her head.

"Hey, until then? You're welcome to stay here until we find you a place."

Alex smiles, "Thanks, Derek."

Maybe being in Beacon Hills wouldn't be so bad after all...

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