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The 1v1's started, I went up first i was against Aoyama, It was easy I already knew his weakness so I just dodged him tell he was not able to fight anymore it was fast when he got down to grab his stomach, I used my quick and took control of his own shadow form under him and sent him of the battle field

The first battle has just begun and yuga Aoyama, is already out, that means y/n l/n has won the first match of the day and is moving on to the next round, present mic yelled over the speakers

I headed to the waiting room to grab a water while the next match started I walked past deku

Good luck, I said as he passed me

Thank you, Deku replied as he kept walking

I walked in to the waiting room when I was grabbing by the shoulders and pushed to the wall

Stop ignoring me you, idiot!! Bakugo yelled in my face as he held me to the wall

I tried to push him away from me but he just made his grip on me stronger, let go me, now, I yelled as I tried to push him away

I will when you tell why the hell you are ignoring me, bakugo yelled back as he moved his hand and made a explosive like he was going to hit me with it

I'm ignoring you because your a ass hole, I yelled as I kicked his foot, he finally let go

He grabbed his lag then looked at me, I... I'm sorry, he mumbled, then put his hands in his pockets and walked away

I just fell to the ground, I was so scared to move, i was shaking, I didn't realize I was crying till I saw a tear hit the ground, I then quickly wiped my tears and got up and grabbed a water bottle, and walked. To where class 1-a was seated at

Y/n, where have you been? Mina yelled as I entered the seating area, Wow, wait are you okay, have you been crying? She asked as she looked at me

When Mina asked that bakugo quickly looked up at, he looked at me like he was worried

Yah, I'm fine, just happy tears, I was scared, I lied then walked down and took a seat next to bakugo sence that was the only seat left

I sat down, trying not to shake like a scared lost child, I was scared, why was I scared bakugo is supposed to be my friend

I looked to see who was fighting it was sero and shoto, all of a sudden the hole arena got cold now I was actually shacking, but then all of a sudden I felt warmth on my hands, I looked over to see bakugo holding my hand in his he looked sad

Bakugo? I whispered as I looked at his hands

Huh? Bakugo mumbled as he tightened his grip on my hands

I'm sorry for being so rude to you, I whispered as I flipped my hands around to grab his wrist, and pull him closer for a hug

I... it's not your fault, bakugo mumbled as he hugged me back, the let go as the ice had vanished

I watched all the fights, my favorite fight was bakugo's, he he went up against uraraka, there fight was interesting, so amazing, uraraka did her best but still ended up losing I felt bad for her but it was still cool, when the next match went up, i knew I would have to go sence I would be going up next

Hay, deku can you tell me about that girls quick? I asked as I got up from my seat

Uh, yah, deku said as he showed me his notes on the girl I had to go up against next

Hah, this will be fast, I giggled as I started to walk off

What do you mean, fast? Momo asked as she looked at me with a confused look

Well, you know how she can make that wall thing, if I get her to make that, i will have the upper hand, she makes a big shadow that i could use to my advantage, hah, I said then giggle and walked off to the waiter room

(Waiting room)

Hay firecracker! Bakugo said as he walked in to the room

Sup, I mumbled as I stretched my lags, wait hay can you hold my feet down? I asked as I looked up

What why? Bakugo said as he game me a puzzled look

So I can do sit-ups, I said as I sat down

Uh, sure I guess, he mumbled as he walked up to me and stood on my feet

Thanks, I said as I started to do sit ups

After a few seconds of stretching we waited for them to call the match to a end

Hay, don't lose, bakugo said as we walked our separate ways


When the match started I ran straight for the girl she did just as I thought she would, she made the wall come up from the ground before me, but before it hit me I jumped and did a back flip in to a shadow and appeared right behind her under her own wall I jumped out and sent a hard kick to the back sending her all the way to the wall making her back out and lose

And the winner of this round in y/n l/n, how did she do that she took her out in seconds, she's way to powerful, for the students of class 1-b, present mic yelled over the mic

Stupid, I mumbled under my breath

I walked back to the seating area when I bumped in to Kirishima

Sorry, I mumbled under my breath I was already annoyed

It's fine, Kirishima said as he walked by

I made it to the seating area, I took a seat next to bakugo and slammed my head back and looked up to the ceiling

Hay, y/n! Why wore you so rough? On that girl you didn't have to kick her that hard, iida yelled at me

Does it matter, I mumble as I looked to see deku and shoto wore fighting

What had gotten over you, Mina said as he looked at me with a worried look

Why can't I go up against better fighters like shoto,I said as I looked closely at shoto and deku fighting

I... I was just saying that was a little harsh, iida mumbled as he looked at me with shock

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