Corner: Chapter 2

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30 minutes has past since L put Lyla in the corner, and she didn't dare move from that spot....although she was getting really tired from standing there and holding her arms up. She also so desperately wanted to pull her pjs back up over her exposed bottom.

Her crying mostly stopped, but she still let out some sniffles here and there. She wanted to turn around and look to see if L was watching, because if she knew he wasn't then she'd take her arms down for just a second and rest them, but it was to much of a risk to turn around.

Lyla doesn't really even know what all just happened, and she doesn't know why he told her to stand in a corner with her arms up. She's never gotten spanked or put in a corner before, so this was all knew to her.

After 10 more minutes, she couldn't help it anymore. She had to let her arms rest a second.  I mean she was supposed to be nicely curled up in her comfortable bed and be peacefully asleep right now. She was tired and especially since after what just happened.

She slowly, very slowly began turning her head around, just to see if she seen L. She could've cried in relief when she didn't see him anywhere is sight, and brought her tired aching arms down. She sighed at the immediate relief in her muscles and closed her eyes for a moment.

But that peaceful moment died when L appeared right next to her and his eyes had a faded red color. "WHAT did I tell you would happen if you moved, little girl?!"

Lyla screamed and jumped back in surprise when he suddenly appeared and yelled. She panicked and felt the tears threatening to fall once again. "I-I...I-I'm sorry," she began to slowly back away from him "m-my arms was tired, I just wanted to rest them for a second... I-"

"I asked you a question, little girl. Answer me." 

She stopped and looked at him fearfully. "Th-that I would have to stand here longer"


"That..that was all" she said quietly, knowing full and well that wasn't all he said.

"Is that so?" 

She nodded weakly, not trusting her voice.

He pulled her to his self and grabbed her chin, making her look him in the face "Now do I need to punish the little girl for lying? Hm?" 

She felt the tears come. "N-no, no I'm sorry" she tried to get out of his grip, but failed.

"Oh but I think I do. Naughty little girls need to be punished, don't they? Or else they will continue to be naughty"

"No I will be good! I will be good! Please, I'm sorry" she panicked.

He bent down and whispered in her ear "Sorries can only go so far, Lyla" making more shivers go down her spine.

Without another word, L put her back in the corner and made her face the wall once again. He took both of her arms and placed them back up on the wall with a little force, but he didn't hurt her. "You move, you regret it." He said before removing his hands from her arms and walked away.

She couldn't believe it! He actually didn't start hitting her again! That in its self made her want to thank him.

Another 30 minutes past, and this time she really didn't dare move. And as strange and uncomfortable as it sounds, she has almost fell asleep a few times. Right now she had her eyes closed while leaning against the wall, about ready to cry in frustration from standing here for so long.

But then a miracle happened!

"You can move now" she heard L say from across the room. She couldn't help but smile and quickly put her arms back down and moved her stiff neck a little trying to ease the tension.

She turned around and quietly asked (well more liked begged)  "Can I pull my pants back up?"

L looked up at her, he was sitting on the bed and had the large flatscreen tv on and was scrolling Netflix. "Yes"

Wanting to stay on his good side right now, she muttered a quiet "Thank you" and quickly pulled her pjs and panties back up.

Even though that helped her feel a little more warmer, she still couldn't help but shiver from being cold. She was only wearing a thin set of pjs, and it was cold in this room. She also could help but to yawn, it probably being super late and all. L looked back at her told her "Come"

She felt a little nervous, but followed his order nonetheless, not wanting to make him mad. Lyla walked to the bed and stoped, waiting for L to do or say whatever he was gonna do. He scooted over on the king sized bed and patted the side that he wasn't in. "Lay down"

Now she felt extremely nervous, but didn't really have a choice unless she was gonna face some unwanted consequences, so she slowly got up in the bed. She stayed on the very edge of the mattress, almost falling off.

L noticed and said "Hey if you wanna fall off the bed in the middle of the night then go right ahead, but there is a whole bed here, just saying." Then went back to scrolling Netflix.

Lyla thought about it, and, not much, but slightly scooter over more so she wasn't quite half hanging off the bed. L kept scrolling, not finding anything interesting. "Boring. Seen it. Garbage." He rambled off as he continued.

Finally he found some stuff he was interested in....... Horror movies. "Ah-ha! Now this looks like it could be good" he clicked on a move called The Conjuring. Lyla anxiously seen what he picked and held her breath for a moment in fear.

She hated that movie. The first (and last) time she watched it, it gave her nightmares for a whole month! And now it was going to be playing on a huge tv at nighttime, and while sitting next to the actual devil himself. Lyla quickly closed her eyes and hid underneath the cover, holding her ears so she wouldn't have to hear the music or people getting murdered.

L didn't seem to have a problem with the movie, he actually thought it was quiet boring like all the others he's watched.

About half way through it, L cut it off because of how stupid it was getting. He looked over at Lyla and seen she was asleep and holding her hears. Her face still looked slightly red and puffy from how much she had cried tonight, and he was proud to say it was because of him.


How is the story so far? Ok? Good? Bad? Please let me know! Also, what are some things you want to see/have an idea about happening in future chapters? Pls pls let me know either by commenting here or DMing me. Thanks!

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