Chapter One: Dark Tower

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December 18, 1998. The night was dark and cold. The stars shone bright and the moonlight glistened on the frosted grass and twinkling icicles hanging from the roof of the tall tower.

The wind had been picking up for the last hour and it howled outside of the glass doors of the tower room. Inside, a fire crackled on the grate in front of the fire, warming every inch of the tower room. The only source of light came from the dim lamp sitting atop of a table. The rest of the light seemed almost artificial. Every candle seemed small compared to what the flames could provide. The air inside the tower room smelled musty. The smell didn't bother Morgana though, who was dressed in black and sat on a plush purple sofa surrounded by plush pillows. She watched with rapt attention as the flames licked their way around the base of the candles. Her eyes never left the dancing orange fire. She would not let anything get between her and its warmth. Morgana sat there waiting for her prey to appear. She couldn't wait any longer.

“Where are you, you coward?” Morgana whispered. She closed her eyes as she waited for him to arrive. The anticipation was making her nervous. She wanted to move things along. She needed something to distract herself and she needed it soon.

Her nerves were beginning to fray at the edges. She felt the need to scream at someone or do something to relieve the tension. Morgana hadn' t seen him in days since he went into hiding. He refused to come out because she had promised him his freedom in exchange for keeping his secret. Morgana knew that her promise wouldn' t work. The Dark Lord wasn't stupid. He knew he couldn't trust her and that the moment he revealed himself to her, he' d lose everything. If he didn't reveal himself, then she would never gain her leverage against him and his army of followers would stay hidden forevermore. And if they stayed hidden, the Dark World itself would fall. The war would break out. They couldn't risk it. Not again. Never again.

Morgana opened her eyes slowly. When she did, she saw movement through the window across from her. A shadow passed in front of the window. Something moved inside the tower. Morgana smiled. She got up from the couch slowly and walked over to the window. As she reached her hand towards the curtain, she noticed something odd about it.

There was no dust floating in the air, which wasn't surprising. There hasn't been dust in ages. But it was clear that it wasn't normal dust floating in the window either. The dust didn't have a shape or weight.

The raven haired slytherin rolled her eyes with a small smile.
she was still her mother's daughter.

"you're safe to come in, you know~" she giggled softly Returning to sit back in front of the fire, the sound of footsteps becoming closer.

"Lord, are you up here moping again,Lastrange?" Draco asked her, sitting beside her on the couch as they gaze at the dancing orange flames.

His silver hair glinted in the soft glow of the flames. His grey eyes held a strange emotion as he stared at her.

"What makes you say that, Malfoy?" She asked, leaning her head on his shoulder. Her arm resting on the couch between them.

"Well, last time you were sitting here sulking and staring out the window. You said 'I'll show her someday'. So what changed?" He replied, wrapping his arm around her waist.

He pulled her closer to him so that he could rest his chin on top of her head."Nothing really," she sighed, resting her head against his chest
"It's s just that we' ve won, Malfoy. We defeated Voldemort. Everything that happened to us after that day is history. Nothing's going to happen. No more war or monsters. We won the war and now we can start anew. I don't need to worry about anything anymore. We are free." She told him.

He tightened his grip around her waist. She turned and leaned against him once more before settling her head back down onto his chest, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart.

"Yeah," he murmured softly, his arms tightening around her, "You're right... Nothing's going to happen..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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