chapter 1: strange encounter

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A peaceful afternoon at grandma’s house that’s what  I thought for the most part. “Young man” grandma said standing  in the doorway glaring at me while I played video games. 

I knew that glare very well so I turned off my precious XBox “yes? Do you need anything?” I said, trying to sound all nice.

 “mhm very well indeed” she cleared her throat. “I need you to sort the boxes up in the attic, don't touch anything inside the boxes” She turned around to finish dusting. 

I let out a sigh  of course. It was two days before school. I wanted to play video games and chill. But the nice guy I am, I followed her instructions and so that’s how I ended up in the attic full of old junk and dust. It was an old attic. Normal as an attic can be. There’s nothing “wow” about it. I did not understand why grandma said don’t touch anything in the boxes.


      Anyways, as I was looking around there was an old  box in the back that caught my eye. I wanted to open it right away but there was more junk in the way. I was so curious I  wanted to know what’s in it. It was a black box-looking trunk, a big one. So I sorted the boxes on the way and cleaned the dust off them. There, I saw the black trunk. I walked over there. I don’t know why but I felt a strong pulse. I read it like it’s saying “you can’t come closer”.    But as always I ignored it thinking it was nothing besides its nothing strong like a force field or something that’s going to kill me. One thing I can tell is it felt...dark? Anyways, I  proceeded to open it ---- nothing surprising. It's just a mask. I don’t know what I expected from an old grandma’s attic. 

“It’s a cool-looking mask though,” I said, reaching in to grab it. It was clean and shiny. Not like the rest of the attic. 

I  thought: “why the whole big box  for this?”  But the mask was way cooler than I thought. It is half-faced. The whole thing is black but it had a red outline around one eye it had no string to put around the face. 

So after staring at it for a while “why don’t I try it on” I said wondering how I would look in it. As I looked for a mirror I saw an old-looking one hanging on the opposite side of the room. I made my way there and I held the mask to my face to see if it will stay without the string.  “Oh, it looks cool-l-” my head went blank. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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