Chapter three

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I heard the teacher getting angry at some people that walked in late to the class

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I heard the teacher getting angry at some people that walked in late to the class. I don't bother looking up. I was too upset and my cheeks are forming a light bruise. I suddenly felt my long brown-blonde hair be swept to the side. I open my eyes to see Kaden, sitting next to me, concern written all over his face. Why does he even care? I then realize that my face was slightly wet from crying a little and he could see the bruises on my cheek.

"Mel, you okay? What happened?" He asked, concern every evident.

Just now, I'm seeing the Kaden I used to know. The old him. But why the sudden concern.

"I'm okay. Just ran into the lockers." I lied.

"Yeah okay. At lunch, you are telling me the truth sweetheart."

He then pulled my chair closer and pulled me into him. I nustled my face into his chest, relishing this feeling, the feeling of safety. I close my eyes, taking in his comforting scent. I try and keep in a sigh of contentment as I feel his large hands and fingers run through my hair. I look up at him and give him a small smile mouthing thank you. A small soft smile appears on his face, as he pulls me closer. The rest of that history lesson went by pretty quickly to my disappointment. I could have stayed like that forever. We head out of the class. I felt better having the boys with me. I felt safer, I felt like me again. We all go to each other's lockers putting our stuff away for lunch.

As I was opening my locker I see Payton staring at me, her glare cutting through me. I tense slightly and put my stuff away. Once I shut my locker, the boys and I head to the cafeteria. After standing in the mile-long line, we finally get our food and headed to an empty table that was so familiar to me. It was our old table. I smile and sit in my spot, poking my tough out at Tyler who was gonna sit there.

"Are we really starting this again?" Kaden sighs, sitting next to me.

"Yes. This is my spot and Tyler knew that. Unless of course, he forgot which would indicate he really is a grampa." I say.

"I really don't need this," Tyler says looking around at his friends. "Oh yeah laugh it up, guys. Wait till she has a go at you."

I smile triumphantly and start eating my lunch. My phone gets passed around, and the boys put their numbers in my phone. This almost felt normal. It felt like how it used to be. The four of us laughed, smiled, and had fun with each other. Then the boys start talking about going back through all the girls in our grade and I tune out. This I definitely didn't need to hear. I was fiddling with my hands, rolling my eyes when the boys would make eye contact with me.

While they were talking I was relishing this moment. Kaden also seemed so happy and relaxed. His cold personality had melted away completely. I mean to a point. He was always icy with everyone except his friends and family. Behind that big tough bad boy was a sweet and soft kid who just wants to seem like he is okay. I smile at the thought. Looking up, I see Kaden staring at me, a huge smile on his face.

I was about to say something but then Trisha, Payton, and Stacey walked over. I notice them pull down their shirts and pull up their short-ass skirts. What are you girls trying to showcase here exactly?

"Hey boys," Trisha says, twirling her bleached hair between her fingers.

"Um hi?" Brayden says, pulling the dumb card.

A small smile forms on my face. The boys would always play with these girls because they came across as way too desperate. So they loved messing with them not giving them any attention.

"Why don't you leave this loser at this table and come sit with us," Payton says, shoving her boobs in Kaden's face, causing him to roll his eyes.

"What loser?" Brayden asks, furrowing his brows together.

"We don't sit with losers and they don't sit with us so there must be some sort of mistake," Tyler says, playing along. "Have a nice day." Tyler gives them a big-smug toothy grin.

"Oh please. The one sitting over there." Stacey whines, pointing to me while glaring at me. I cower slightly in my seat under her gaze. "You boys clearly haven't checked your table then."

That was a bold move.

"Ah we have checked and the only losers we see right now that are now sitting here are you three. So why don't you pack up and go back to whatever hole you crawled out of." Kaden says.

I giggle while the girls stare at him in utter shock. They pulled themselves together and walked away, mumbling under their breath. I then turn to the boys shaking my head.

"One, nice to see nothing has changed. Two, I am now going to pay for that later." I say before I could think about it. I mentally slapped myself for saying too much.

"What do you mean you were gonna pay for what we just did later?" Tyler was suddenly interested.

I look up at the boys and see Kaden giving me that look that always breaks me. I look back down and fiddle with my skirt.

"Mel, what aren't you telling us? What has been going on?" Kaden asks but it was more of a demand.

I sigh and look up at them. "When sir 'I am suddenly going to start ignoring you and pretend you are no longer my friend' over there," I point to Kaden, guilt slightly entering his expression. "decided that he didn't want to talk to me, etc, people in this school started to notice and take advantage of it. They started to pick on me and bully me. Boys never tried taking advantage of me because Kaden and you boys still attended this school. But when you all left, you all looked like I wasn't your friend so they took full advantage of it. The girls started to bully me hard and even the boys joined in from time to time. I am now talking to the three most popular people in the school and I am practically a nobody."

I now had tears in my eyes, praying that they wouldn't fall. I couldn't cry here at school. That is just embarrassing but I could in front of the boys. We have been through thick and thin and seen each other's worst and best times.

Brayden came over and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and closed my eyes. I then felt myself being transferred to someone else, strong arms and I knew exactly who it was. I held onto him tight like he was my lifeline.

"Oh sweetheart, why didn't you say anything," Kaden says, trying to calm me down.

"You pushed me away Kaden, what else was I meant to think," I say into his chest.

"Well, you aren't going to have to go through that anymore. We are your friends Melody. Through thick and thin we are still going to be here for you." Tyler says.

I pull away and smile at the boys. "Thank you, guys. I really missed you guys." I look at Kaden. "Yes, you too tough guy." I laugh.

The rest of the day went pretty fast. I was now walking out of the school with a smile on my face. This is the first time in ages. We all say goodbye to each other and go our separate ways. I just unlocked the car when Kaden takes the keys from my hand.

"Scuse me. What do you think you are doing?" I say, just looking at him.

"Doing the chicken dance," Kaden says with a straight face causing me to start laughing. "I'm driving us home. Unless you wanna walk."

I roll my eyes and get into the passenger's seat. Throwing my bag in the back, I hook my phone up to the Bluetooth and start playing one of my playlists. Bobbing my head to 'It's my Life', I started singing. I looked over at Kaden who was just shaking his head but then joined in at the chorus. I smile as we continue singing the song, having fun. We continued to sing the different songs that played until we reached my house.

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