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It had been an hour since I was at my mothers and through out that time I hoped joon was still at that mission of his I think that's what I'm gonna be doing soon

Joon pov
We got to the location of where I would kill the thriller gangsters they stole my money and drugs I don't fuck with that

We arrived but they set a trap I wasn't going to fall for it so we went with the plan we had planned out and it was going well

We started a shoot out I worried because it was like y/n was here even though she wasn't she was going to join us

I encountered the main boss

Joon- did you think I would fall for your stupid trap
Him- I guess you didn't but you won't get what you want
Joon- oh I will don't worry I'll get it my way you don't know what I'm capable of

We then got closer to each other as I was about to shoot him in the head but he stabbed me it was a big deal but I couldn't let this stop me

I pulled the trigger and he fell to the ground I held my stomach with one hand as the other I grabbed his wrist as I pulled him

Bringing him out in front of everyone

Joon- your boss is dead keep kneeling down to the dead go home don't do this gang stuff I know you were dragged into it I'm being nice it won't last

All of them ran of out of there dropping their guns some of them bowing and crying, I once in their spot once forced into this

After putting a bandage on my cut we left I texted y/n but she didn't respond I assumed she was asleep when I got inside my home and to my room she wasn't there

The bed was empty I looked around the house and there I found her in the balcony as she stared into the darkness but the moon shining down one her

I slowly walked behind her as I back hugged her she didn't say anything just let it happen, I moved her hair out of the way as I planted slow small kisses on her neck

Her scent was sweet it was like a cure making me feel better, " why aren't you asleep? "

Y/n- I wasn't tired

Y/n pov

Joon was back hugging me as he asked why I wasn't asleep we went back inside since it was chilly outside I noticed blood all over his clothes

I sat on the bed as I watched him remove his shirt to see a bandage my eyes widened as I felt my heart drop

I held my chest as it felt like someone stepped on me " are you okay princess?" I nodded but I was more worried for him

Y/n- did you properly clean it?
Joon- no
Y/n- seriously come sit here

I took his hand and sat him on the bed as I got a kit to heal him correctly, the whole time he stared at me and smirked

Joon- since when are you this nice
Y/n- do you not want me to be nice
Joon- I do
Y/n- there now you gotta clean all this blood off
Joon- me? You do it please
Y/n- you can do it yourself
Joon- ahhh it hurts!! Princess don't be mean

I rolled my eyes and got a wet rag and cleaned the blood off him after this I was tired so we went to sleep he had trouble sleeping since he was fully awake from the mission

He had helped me sleep last time so I wanted to help him in return I played with his hair as I could tell it was making him sleepy

Joon- y/n are you gonna leave me?
Y/n- why do you ask
Joon- because you don't show me love
Y/n- starting tomorrow I'll show you
Joon- you better not be lying
Y/n- I'm not now shush and go to sleep

The mafia princess Where stories live. Discover now