~1~ Leaving home

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My eyes get all blurry as I turn my head around to get a last view of my home- the rainforest. The leathery coat and my braids swirl around because of the heavy wind that we're currently flying into. My siblings take sad looks back as well.

A few days ago, my family almost got killed and my father decided to move away. Some clone of an old enemy my parents faced right before my birth came along and captured my siblings. Even Tuk, who's only seven years old. He and his fellows had my dearest siblings at knifepoint and if it wasn't for me, mom would've been killed. It was a horrible experience but I'm a hunter and for my family I would do anything! I would literally die for them if I had to.

Before the great battle, my parents flew around to gather allies of different clans. Dad was Toruk Makto- rider of last shadow and a great warrior. I can only dream of becoming as good as him. I admire my dad, I want to be exactly like him!
Mom and dad went to the clans of the Eastern sea. Today we're going to head a bit further than that.
Our destination is a village called 'Awa'atlu'. Dad told us that the Na'vi there are called Metkayina. He once went there for political business but I've never seen one of them. I wanted to come with him but I had to stay home and take care of my siblings.
I wonder what they would look like. But surely, they're Na'vi so they might not look that much different from us.

As we fly further, the wind gets heavier and heavy rain pours down on us. I try to concentrate but the rain splashes into my face, forcing me to close my eyes. Sela, my Ikran has trouble flying straight forward and so do my sibling's companions. "Don't worry girl, just a bit further! You can do it!", I try to calm her. We're really a great team but this flight is surely not an easy task. From afar and through the wind I can hear my little sister crying. My stomach tightens and I just want to hug her. I hate it when one of my family members is sad and Tuk is clearly terrified.

Dad signalizes to follow him and he steers his Ikran Bob down to a cave. I disconnect my bond to Sela and jump off her, almost tripping on the wet rock. We head inside and light some torches. The cave is small and plants hang from above. It's similar to high camp.
Our Ikrans too, decided to head into the cave so there's not much room left. Everything is humid and cold but we took most of our stuff with us.
"So you gonna miss all your little girlfriends?", Lo'ak mocks me and I just roll my eyes. "No!", I protest and he just chuckles. "Guess you'll have plenty of fans there...mighty warrior.", he adds. I just shake my head. "You skxawng!", I hiss and slap his shoulder. I've never been interested in any of these girls at home. They just fancied me because of my hunting skills I guess. One day I should become the next Olo'eyktan but with us gone, it's off the table now. One night, I tried to imagine one of the girls by my side but the thought of mating with one of them disgusted me. I have no idea why.

Together, we sit around a lamp, eating our supplies for the trip. Nobody really talks and soon, Kiri and Tuk Fall asleep.
"You should sleep too, my sons.", mom suggests and Lo'ak and I don't hesitate to prepare our sleeping mats to rest before the next part of our trip.

The coast of the Eastern sea connects the tropical jungle with the open deep blue waters. As we fly over the sunny coastline, I can see that it's still covered in tropical forests, interspersed with river deltas which spill into natural pools reminiscent of the sea wall terraces. They flow as waterfalls into the ocean and I can already get the glimpse of teal Na'vi standing around in these pools. "Great spot for a date!", Lo'ak shouts and wiggles his brows. Again, I just shake my head in disagreement to this skxawng. Kiri hisses back at us and dad raises his arm to signalize that we're going to land, soon.

The blowing sounds of several horns pass through my ears. I guess it's to warn about newcomers. Together, our formation flies behind dad over the village. Net like pods are strained between gigantic mangrove roots. Dad steers to the beach where already a few Na'vi have gathered around. I quickly loosen Tsaheylu and jump off my companion, my feet landing in shallow water, splashing it around.
Mom already wants to grab her bow but dad demands her to leave it. Our littlest sister clams onto mom's hand and together, the rest of us follow dad. He takes his hands up to signalize we're coming in peace and mean no harm. Scanning the area, I copy my dad's hand movements. As a warrior, I have to show them that I'm coming in peace.

The Metkayina in front of us try to hold their distance but are still curious. A few older ones try to hold their curious children back as the mob of people gets bigger.
Suddenly, they make room for a tall teal Na'vi, his hair tied up in a bun. He frowns and examines us as he strides forward. A smaller boy with short hair laughingly follows the taller one. Lo'ak and I quickly gesture 'I see you' to the boys.
Now I frown, as the taller one ignores our formal gesture. His eyes have the same turquoise color as the sea beside us. In the sunlight, they almost seem to sparkle. He strides around us, the smaller one giggling.

A sudden splash leads my brother and I to look at the shoreline, where a long haired girl strides outside the water. She tucks her wet hair back behind her ear and gently smiles at us. I try to exchange quick looks with my brother but he just seems mesmerized by the beauty in front of him. I can't but chuckle at the thought of my baby bro crushing immediately on someone. He lets out a blushing "hey!" and the girl smiles and looks down.

"What is this? Is it supposed to be a tail?", The smaller one comments on our tails, which leads Lo'ak and I to turn around. He tries to grab it but I flip it away and frown at him. "Ao'nung! Roxto!", the girl slaps the boys' hands away.
Ao'nung... what a beautiful name for such an impressive and intimidating Na'vi.
Wait, why do I find him intimidating? He can't be much older than me..

Flapping wings interrupt my thoughts. Huge, aggressive looking creatures with orange like wings land in the water a few meters away from us. Still, this Ao'nung's eyes drill into me. I try not to get distracted by that and focus on the people that arrived in front of us.

A man, taller than my dad strides towards us. His face and chest is covered with Tattoos. The clothes he's wearing, lead me to guessing that he must be the Olo'eyktan of these people. His hair is also tied up in a bun. Mom and dad greet him formally, as a woman, covered in tattoos as well, enters our circle. She looks confident and stern. She surely is intimidating. Mom and the women argue about something but I can only catch up things like 'Toruk Makto" and "Eywa has turned her back on you."
I can't ignore the looks this Ao'nung guy gives me. I feel deeply uncomfortable and try not to look at him. Why does he have to take such close looks at my tail? Sure, theirs are bigger but what is it with him and my tail?!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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