Chapter 8

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A/N: I promise. I am working on this story. However, I have been working on others more. If you want me to update this before I actually do, feel free to tell me to update, but please give me about three days to do so.




Cass stood on the training field dressed in a gray shirt and black pants. Her gray eyes were cold, hard, and calculative, and I couldn't help but cringe because she looked a hell of a lot like a Guardsmen than she normally did.

Her whole body was relaxed, but I knew better than to assume she wasn't watching the world around her.

My wolf growled in annoyance, and I had a feeling that it was because she wasn't afraid of what we could do to her. He flicked his tail, and the anger for Derrick turned towards her and the fact that she ordered us here.

Cass raised an eyebrow and stayed silent. Her whole body was relaxed while she stood in the normal Guardsmen position with her shoulders squared and her legs shoulder length. She still looked dangerous, and a part of me was unnerved by her critical gaze while she watched me walk into the area, but that was taken over by the anger my wolf felt.

I growled and bared my teeth, wanting to scare her, even though a part of me knew that she wouldn't be scared of someone with anger issues.

However, at that moment, I didn't care. All I cared about was getting her to bow down and submit to me. I wanted to feel her skin between my teeth and to taste her blood, let it go down my throat while I sought vengeance for a wrong that wasn't her doing.

My cousin wasn't fazed by my growling. She didn't say a word and gestured with her head for me to step into the area she was in, and I had a feeling that she had set something up where we both couldn't be bothered.

I growled again and narrowed my eyes but didn't take a step forward like she wanted me to. All I did was stand there and watch her, daring her to come get me, even though a part of me knew that she would.

My cousin raised an eyebrow in question and stayed silent. She was patient, but I could tell that her patience was wearing thin with each passing second that I stood there, getting angrier and angrier.

"Well?" she asked in a tone that had me flinching, even though I didn't let her see it. "Are you going to come inside or what? We can't stand around like this all day, Tobias Jones."

I growled again but did what I was told to do and stepped into the circle, ignoring this force field that blocked me from everyone else but her.

Anger coursed through my veins, and it took all of my self-control not to attack her then and there, even though that was all that I wanted to do. She could be the person that could help me control my anger.

My cousin smirked and bowed her head closer to her chest, her eyes daring me to attack in my state of disarray. "Come, Big Boy," she teased, and I bristled. "There is no need to hold yourself back from me. I've dealt with worse people and things besides you."

Again, I growled and bared my teeth. My anger was spiking at a higher level, but I didn't attack her and slowly started to circle around her, trying to find an opening.

My cousin stayed rooted in her spot and waited with a patience only known to saints. She didn't say another word while she watched me, picking up every slight adjustment I made as if she knew that I would attack after I got bored toying with her.

That pissed me off more, so I growled again before I charged at her, letting all of my training go out the window because all I wanted to do was cause her pain.

Cass dodged the attack with such speed and grace that I would have been stunned if I wasn't allowing my emotions to control me, and I had to twist myself around before I planted my face first into the ground.

Her eyes were trained on me while she waited for me to attack again, her whole body still relaxed and her breathing even.

I growled again and bared my teeth before I charged at her again, and she stayed still, waiting until I was at a finger's distance before she moved out of the way and let me pass her again.

She didn't say a word while she looked at me, but her eyes held this taunting look in them that I hated. Her whole posture was still relaxed while I growled and flicked my tail back and forth to show my dissatisfaction, even though I had a feeling that she didn't care.

"Can't you just shift and fight him already?" someone asked from the edge of the force field that surrounded us from the other side. "I mean, come on, all you are doing is watching and testing him for some reason."

I snarled and looked in that direction to see that both Serigo and May were standing there, and Julian was standing with them, looking worried.

Annoyance and anger filled my body, and I started to stalk towards them, even though I had a feeling that I wouldn't be able to get far.

Serigo's face grew paler while he watched me slowly start to lower myself towards the ground and go towards him. "Uh... Cass..?" he asked, while I snarled and bared my teeth. He shifted away from Julian while May shifted toward him, and I followed Sergio because he was my new target. "A little help, please?"

I ignored my cousin when she scoffed and muttered something under her breath while I lowered myself fully to the ground, growling with ears closer to my head than before.

Finally, I lunged towards him but wasn't able to go far because my cousin shoved my side to get my attention away from Serigo and towards her again.

I snapped and growled before I turned my attention to the cream colored wolf with black fur on one side of her face. I snarled and bared my teeth at her while I took a threatening step towards her.

My cousin held back an eye roll and waited, staying silent. Her whole body was relaxed while I started to circle her, biding her time like the predator she was.

Her eyes never left me while I tried to find her weak spot, even though I knew a part of me wouldn't be able to find one while I was like this.

Again, I snarled before I lunged at her, and this time, she growled and bared her teeth before she met me in the middle, fighting for dominance and the upper hand.

Fur, dirt, and skin flew off while we fought each one of us not giving the other an upper hand or having us submit to the latter.

Goddess, a part of me prayed while we fought, but it wasn't the main part that was in this battle with her. Please let this work. I don't want to hurt her if I can help it...


I beg of you...

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