The Alpha

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The boys all knocked on the wall, and she heard the noise of brick scraping against pavement. She felt a cold hand guide her from her waist-she didn't mind, since it was Rascal-and gracefully lead her inside the wolves' training spot.

She opened her eyes, and had to blink to adjust her vision to the bright lights. The walls were painted iron gray, with long painted pipes running up the sides to meet the high ceiling. Mats with colors rubbed off from harsh use were laid on the ground, some slick with sweat, others splattered with slight pools of crimson blood. Werewolves were fighting each other, wrestling, using punching bags, and practicing their balance everywhere she looked. Each one was busy and working hard. She could hear every heart beat in the room. She craved blood, but pushed the urge to the back of her mind.

She barely noticed when Jean and Rafael positioned themselves to fight on the faded mats. Rascal stayed by her side, and Xavier was pounding on a punching bag rather harshly.
"Hey, watch this, Hannah!" Jean called happily from his spot across from Rafael. "I'm going to win!"

Hannah watched him put up a nice fight against Rafael as they wrestled to see who was stronger. Although Rafael was bigger and had more muscle on him, Jean was leaner and quicker. But she found her eyes wander to something else. Or, someone.

It was hard not to notice him in this place. He had just finished wrestling with a female werewolf, and was currently wiping off his face, ridding it of sweat, with a white towel. His beautiful pale blonde hair shone in the bright lights. He plopped down on a bench, reaching for his plain shirt and his black glasses. Even without the usual spectacles hiding his vibrant green eyes, Hannah knew that face anywhere. She knew how his toned muscles felt, she knew his glorious smile, she knew him down to every last detail. Even how his eyebrows crinkled when he was shouting and frustrated, and what his overdramatic hand gestures looked like when he was angry or upset. But he didn't seem to recognize her. Or even acknowledge her at all, almost like she was invisible, even when his gaze swept over her. It didn't stop, just kept surveying the area.

Rascal's voice tore her from her thoughts of the blonde, male werewolf.
"Hellooooo? Stop goggling at Cain. I'm more beautiful."

She smiled up at him, and he suddenly wasn't there. Instead, he was getting ready to fight a larger, fiercer looking werewolf. She realized how much she must've stuck out, standing in an open place while everyone else was practically knocking each other out. Shuffling her feet nervously, she stepped forward to where she could get a towel for Jean. He had just gotten a bloody nose from Raffy, who was currently sitting on him, a look a triumph shining in his gaze.

She almost fell off her feet when a shoulder shoved into her unexpectedly. Stumbling forward a foot or so, she whipped her head around to face the rude werewolf who did it. A familiar blonde, muscled werewolf stood there. Cain.

"Do you even belong in here? You don't smell like any werewolf I've ever smelled before." He stated, not turning around to face her. "You smell like death, dear." His voice rang out, all the wolves' heads turned towards them.
"At least I don't smell like I just crawled out of the sewer. You smell like wet, sweaty dog. Could you get any grosser?" She retorted. That's when Rascal grabbed her arm and hissed in her ear.
"Don't talk back to the alpha. You'll get all of us in trouble for disrespect."

This made a chuckle rise from Cain. And Hannah even more frustrated.
"It's alright." He leaned towards Hannah slowly, and whispered soft enough in her ear only she could hear.
"We go back. Waayyyy back."

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