𝗖𝗵: 24| 𝗧𝗥𝗛

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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Enjoy the Moment ୧⋆ ˚。⋆

"Okay now that we're done with the discussion, why don't we enjoy ourselves? Let's join the ball dance party with our people."

Hearing the King's words, everyone easily agreed to it. Afterall who doesn't likes to have fun? The King and Queens got up, going to the ball-room's dancing side to dance. Now the Princes and Princesses were left.

"Let's go Sunoo." Sunghoon dragged his suitor with him to dance. They looked the most excited for this because they already had each other as partners. Now the Single ones were left.

Heesung had already left for eating the food. And now only Jisu, Soobin and Beomgyu were left alone. Jisu and Soobin were quiet good friends so Jisu asked Soobin to dance with him and he agreed.

Noe Beomgyu was left alone.
"Woah only I'm left now huh?" Beomgyu mumbles, banging his head on the table. He looked around to see Huening Kai, assisting the other maids to keep the food and the party going. Kai was wearing a silk white shirt, paired with black pants and his hair little messy from running around. He was wearing different clothes than usual because of the Ball party. 

His sleeves were rolled up, and the front two buttons were undone, because of the hot weather, Beomgyu assumed. Beomgyu was about to have a heart-attack because of Kai, because damn did he look hot? His heart was about to beat out of his chest, and just to make it worse, Kai accidentally made eye contact with him and passed a small smile and Beomgyu was absolutely gone.

"God, I will have a seizure at this point. Why is Kai so attractive? It's unfair. Is he secretly a lost Prince or what?" Beomgyu thought groaning.

Then he realised something. He's alone, and Kai's there looking all beautiful and Hot. So why isn't he dancing with him?

"Wow Beomgyu...why didn't you think before that you have Kai?" Beomgyu mumbled and got up from his seat, walking towards Kai's direction. Kai was helping a maid arrange the table when he came to halt sensing Beomgyu's presence.

He turned towards Beomgyu and asked- "Oh your Highness, do you need something?"

"You" replied Beomgyu.

Kai's brain short-circuited. You. What does that means? Huh?

"M-me? What do y-you mean Prince?" Kai stammered, slapping himself mentally for stuttering.

"Dance with me." Said Beomgyu, pulling Kai out of there and standing between the hall where everyone was dancing.

"What? How can I dance with you Prince? I'm not a Royal!" Kai panicked. Not only he was going to dance, he was going to dance with the Prince whom he serves. And he may or may not be have a huge crush on him too. He was fucked today for sure. He silently hoped that the Prince couldn't hear the loud beating of his heart.

But he didn't knew that Beomgyu wished the same. He was going insane too but hey don't tell that to Huening Kai.

"Kai I've already told you I don't care. I just need you to be here with me. It's my order" Beomgyu said, getting in position with Kai to dance.


"No buts, come on Kai, let's dance I'm aloneeee." Beomgyu cut him off whining.

Kai sighed and nodded, not being able to say anything further. Afterall who was he to deny his Prince's orders. He will deal with his conflicting feelings later.

Kai took a breathe and held Beomgyu's waist with one hand and the other one interlocking with Beomgyu's while Beomgyu put a hand on Kai's shoulders. Beomgyu blushed when he felt Kai's hands on his waist.

God knows how many times he imagined those big hands on his waist, holding him still and- okay okay not the time for thinking about that. Moving on.

They started dancing slowly, matching each other's breathe and rhythm, staring into each other's eyes with smiles on their faces. Beomgyu was flushed red but he didn't care. Dancing with Kai was the best feeling he ever had. He never knew dancing with someone feels this nice, he has danced with many Princesses before, but he never felt how he's feeling right now.

Maybe because they weren't Kai that's why he felt nothing. So why is it different when it's Kai? What does Kai means to him?

He looked at Kai's eyes seeing them sparkle so bright Looking at him and his heart did flips again. Maybe he knows his answer. He's in love with Kai, his servant.

But does Kai feels the same?

Oh only if he knew that the person infront of him already gave his heart away to him, he wouldn't ask that. But who's gonna tell them?

They both thought the same thing-
"Let's think about our feelings later, enjoy the moment for now." 

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Hello Luvs! Updateeee here lol and again Beomkai sjdhshsh
Next chap will be Soobin's POV.
Hope y'all enjoy reading this chapter! See you Luvs Byee💙

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