r e a l i t y

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hermione and ginny walked into the cafe.

"how was your first night in our new apartment?" ginny asked hermione.

"it was amazing! the city noises helped me sleep better than i ever have." hermione said.

"im just glad im away from my brothers." ginny said.

hermione laughed. her and ginny ordered their drinks and walked down the street.


"no, but you should eat something." blaise said.

"i don't care. i have to go meet millie." draco snapped.

"eating is more important than your girlfriend, draco." blaise argued.

"i'll eat when i get there, happy?" draco said.

"no. you need to eat—" blaise suddenly was cut off and ran into someone, causing the person he slammed in to spill coffee all over themselves and blaise.

"i'm sorry—" a redhead started to say. "zabini?"


draco looked up from his phone.


"hello, boys." hermione said, grabbing napkins out of her purse to help ginny clean up.

"what are you guys doing here?" draco asked.

"we moved here," ginny said, while hermione cleaned her shirt which was drenched with cold coffee.

"really? all the way to the U.S? how'd your brothers react?" blaise asked.

"we didn't tell them until we were here." ginny said.

"i think that's the best i can do. let's go back to the apartment and get you changed." hermione said.

"it was nice seeing you guys." draco said.

hermione gave him a small smile. "you too."

blaise and draco watched them walk away, arms linked together.

"well, that was interesting. i'm shocked you and granger weren't trying to bite each other's heads off."

draco shrugged. "i'm shocked as you."

blaise nudged draco and wiggled his eyebrows.

"i have a girlfriend, blaise." draco looked at his watch. "who i'm late to meet."

"you're no fun."


"hermione! we should go to the club!"

"what? no!" hermione cried.

"why not?" ginny pouted, jumping on hermione's bed.

"i just got new books that i planned to read tonight."

"hermione, you can't live in new york and not go to a club on your second night. come on! live a little! the books will be here tomorrow!" ginny said.

hermione thought about it. ginny was right. live a little. hermione hadn't done that in forever. and the books would still be on hermione's nightstand tomorrow.

"okay, i'll go. but first let me call ron."

"okay, i have to call harry anyways."

hermione picked up her phone and dialed ron's number.

he didn't answer.

weird, hermione thought. he always answered.

ginny threw out an emerald green dress for hermione and silver stilettos.

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