Southern Hospitality

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I was reaching down in my bathroom cabinet. Alyssa was in my room. My mind and my heart were having an emotional war. Why did you take her into your room dumbass. Now she knows what it looks it. If she gets away then it can be used against you. But wait, who's to say that she wants to leave. Maybe she will remember and stay. There is still hope. Remember never to give up on love.
I started to think back to when I found her. I was going to go check on her. Even though I had hurt her, I wanted her to know that I cared. So I walked up to the third floor bathroom. As I got there I saw that the door was open and she was gone. I went into panic. She can't be gone. I thought. Not yet. I started walking away but then I heard a door open. I followed the noise and found her almost in tears in our daughters room. she had saw me standing behind her and turned around. Im not sure how but she hurt herself on the foot. I wanted to cry. My wife, she was hurt. I got myself together and walked over to pick her up. Then I brought her to my room.

My memory was interrupted when I heard her voice, "What are you doing?"

"Getting something to heal your foot," I said.


"Call it southern hospitality." I can tell she didnt understand my joke. I walked over towards my bed and sat down next to her. I tried to reach out and grab her foot but she pulled her legs in and moved away from me.

"Come here Alyssa," I said.

"No! Are you crazy? You just tried to kill me Cole. Im not gonna let you touch me." My anger started to build up as she continued.

"And this joke about southern hospitality is pure bullshit. Was it the same hospitality that was shown when you fucking kidnapped me? You people are sick. What the fuck is wrong with you? And the fact that your mother is helping makes that bitch just as bad as you. So fuck you. For all I know that shit in your hands could just knock me out again."

"Dont talk about my mother Alyssa."

"Why shouldn't I? She doesnt mean shit to me and neither do you Cole."

My anger had reached its peak again. This time I handled it differently. I took a deep breath and stood up. I throw the peroxide on the bed. Along with the cotton balls and bandage wrap. She looked down at the bed then up at me. As much as it hurt I told her, "See that right there. That was to help you. Now you can tend to yourself, bitch." I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my key. As I was walking to the door I saw that Lillie was standing there listening. The door was cracked open enough for her to see what was happening. Thank God. I walked out my room and slammed the door shut.

After I locked it I turned around and looked at my sister. She reached up and cupped my face. "Its okay. Its okay," she said as she pulled my head into her neck. "Come on." I followed her down the hallway and into her room. She sat me down on her bed and went to close her door. Thats when the dam behind my eyes broke. All the water came rushing foward.

"Dont cry Anthony," she said. "Just give her time. She'll remember."

"How much longer," I said. "How much longer can it take. She's hurting me. Im hurting her. I dont whether to keep her locked up or make her wish come true and set her free."

"Anthony, you are my brother. I love you. And I know this is hard for you but you cant let your emotions get in the way."

"But I love her Ma. I want her to be happy." Lillie got up and walked over to her bathroom. She came back with some tissues. As she patted away my tears she said, "Let me talk to her. Let me tell her about you and me."

"You cant Lillie."

"Shush shush."

"Im serious," I said while grabbing her hand. I looked her deep into her light blues and said, "Dont tell her. She needs to remember on her own." She sighed and looked away from me. "Fine," she said. "I wont. But promise me something."


"Dont let her hurt you. Keep you head up." I nodded my head. Lillie got up and walked out her room. I waited for a minute then went to her bathroom. Pull yourself together Anthony. Calm down. Just let Lillie talk to her. Everything will be alright.

My stomach started to rumble and I realized that I hadnt eaten in a while. I washed my face and rubbed my hands together. Time to eat. I said to myself as I walked down the spiral steps into the kitchen.

I pushed open the door and saw that Lillie and Alyssa had made their way down to the kitchen as well. I guess we all had the same idea. I cleared my thought to get their attention. They were laughing and hadn't noticed my presence. I cleared my throat more loudly and their laughing faded away. There was an awkward silence. I looked Lillie in her eyes and she rolled her lips together and looked at her hands. She looked at Alyssa then back at me. She motioned for me to sit down next to her. I walked over and sat down. She cleared her throat and said, "Cole, I think you owe Alyssa an apology for calling her a bitch." Is she being serious. Im a grown ass man. I can apologize without her here.

"Fuck that," I said. "Why should I. She deserved what was said to her."

"Cole, apologize."


"Please, it was..."

"Rude," Alyssa said cutting Lillie off. I looked at Alyssa in her beautiful eyes and said, "Fuck you. If you want an apology go ask someone who is willing to give you one." I stood up and walked towards another door. "Are you hungry?" They both just sat there in silence. I rolled my lips together and walked to the phone. I ordered something and walked back into the kitchen. I whispered what I did in Lillie's ear and she nodded. She sighed and pulled Alyssa by the hand. "Lets go get cleaned up for dinner." Then they were gone.

I sat down at the dining table and went into my thoughts. Really dude. She'll never forgive you for this. You know it. She holds grudges. You need to apologize. Its the right thing. She has a reason to be mad at you. You almost killed her. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the shower turn on. I got up and got my truck keys. As I got into my car I kept thinking about Alyssa hating me. I put the car in reverse and pulled out the drive way. (I needed to pick up the food I ordered.)

You need to apologize Anthony. Its the only way. You hurt her worse then she has hurt you. You cant hold her against it. Wait. Maybe you can tell her you're sorry in private. Just talk to Lillie. She'll know what to do. Or you can set something up yourself. You dont need Lillie. I knew what I had to do then. It would take a lot but it would be worth it. I just had to do it right. She will love me again. I know it.


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