A new beginning

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How truly vexing.
Dull red eye's looked down on the various gasping thugs sprawled about on the hard ground. All with broken limbs, beside them layed ruined metal pipes, bats and other makeshift weapons.
Though it was clear to see they were in pain, were anyone else to see the scene before them they would call the thugs lucky.

They had attacked the city's #1 after all, and they merely ended up with a few broken bones. They were still alive but the monster they attacked was contemplating whether he should keep it that way. This had not been the first time he had been attacked, no this occured many times before, thugs ganged up on him wanting to beat him for something simple as a title. Though it was especially worse now.

After all the first ranked esper of Academy City was beaten by a mere level surely everyone else had a chance to beat him and take his place, right?

Accelerator clicked his tounge, thinking about how the level 0 beat him was pissing him off and he didn't feel like killing anything right now, so he merely walked passed the groaning thugs as his eye's began wandering. It was dark out, no student's would be walking around as it was pass curfew. The only one's out this late were delinquents and Anti-skill.
Nevertheless curfew wasn't something he had to worry about and besides he needed to see if any Convenient Store was still open.

With all these thugs attacking him, he could do with some coffee.
But as he walked through the silent streets he stopped suddenly as his hand rose up to his chest. There was a sudden weird throbbing sensation, not like a fast beating heart but rather as if something was pounding against it. Though not painful it was unsettling. Accelerator frowned, was this an attempt on his life by some lack luster ability? Or is something else at play?

But shrugging it off as it just him being stressed out he continued walking. And it wasn't long until he reached what he was looking for.
Dimly lit up between two buildings was a Convient store, this particular one he tended to visit alot as it had the brand of coffee he tended to drink alot.
So stepping through the automatic sliding doors he immediately advanced to the back of the store where he would find what he was looking for, only to find there was no coffee left.

Someone had brought it all, whoever needed that much coffee?

How unlucky.

He resisted the urge to click his tounge, but there was no use being sour over it so the esper merely walked back to the exit, passing the frighten looking cashier he stepped onto the dull streets once again. He was surprised to find no thugs awaiting him.
But more importantly the feeling from earlier wouldn't subside.

So once again he walked around until he came upon a small park with a single wooden bench. Taking a seat on it the esper let out a sigh as he allowed a momment of respite.
Though the thugs that kept attacking him weren't really difficult to deal with, it was especially annoying to have been attacked so much every day.
But something bugged him....

"I wonder...has something changed?" A question left his mouth that might have seemed confusing to most but to him it meant something.
He couldn't help but feel that something had changed within him. The thugs kept attacking him now despite their useless efforts, and he showed them mercy more often than not. He merely left them with a few broken bones and shatterd ego's, though he never felt like killing them.

He should by all accounts have no problem with the notion of 'killing'. After all he did participate in the Level 6 shift experiment.

"The sister..." He mutterd as he recalled the experiment. He'd killed about 10 031 of them, that was a kill count not even the most infamous serial killers throughout history could reach.
Yet one teenage boy had. But he felt sick thinking about it, but why?
They were mere dolls, products that could be created by pressing a button. They had no emotion,t hey had no souls yet why did he feel like this?
Was he regretting his action?

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