chapter 1

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Hello, I wrote this fanfic like 2 years ago? and i decided to post it so enjoy💀


Y/n was sleeping peacefully under her sheets dreaming about Rickrolling Peppa pig— suddenly her alarm went off making Y/n jump with fear.

"ARGH, THAT DAMN CLOCK!" Y/n screamed angrily.

Y/n tiredly walked to her alarm and turned it off making the room silent, this was soon interrupted by the nagging voice of her mom telling her to get dressed.


"OK, MOM!"

Y/n hurriedly goes to the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth, applying a little mascara and lip gloss to her lips as well. She then put her school uniform on and her shoes on. Y/n went downstairs to see breakfast on the table, she looked at the clock, "only 10 minutes left I have no time," she panicked. Y/n grabbed a piece of toast and dashed out the door, her long silky smooth hair flowing behind her.

Time skip to school

Y/n had finished her toast by the time she arrived at school, she sprinted through the hallways and found her locker. Y/n proceeds to open her locker and get her books for the first class. As Y/n was walking she bumped into someone dropping her books.

"OI WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU LITTLE POOPY HEAD!" The strange voice screamed, Y/n looked up to see the most popular bad boy in school...Harry Styles.

"OMG Mr. Styles I'm so sorry for my ignorance I wasn't watching where I was going and-" "SHUT UP, YOU TALK TOO MUCH, " Y/n's rant was stopped by Harry's loud shouts.

"Omg great job Y/n not only have you upset the most popular bad boy in school you're also late for class!" Y/n thought to herself, "I-I-I-I-I'm really s-sorry it won't happen again, " Y/n squirmed. "Hmph, I'll let you off this time but next time I won't be so nice, " "Yes thank you so much, Harry!" Y/n said ecstatically, she then hurried off to class not wanting to be any more late.

Time skip to lunch cuz I'm lazy
First-person view

After you put your books away you head to the cafeteria to get lunch, you had planned to sit with your best friend Sofia and your boyfriend kool-aid man.

Once you enter the cafeteria you hear someone call your name," HEY Y/N OVER HERE!" It was your boyfriend calling you to sit at his table. You and Sofia get your lunch trays and walk to him.

"How was your day, my little cute sweet chocolate pumpkin spice latte?" Kool-Aid asks, "it was good my adorable huge round glass of cherry punch!"

Sofia looks over at you two with disgust, "wtf is wrong with y'all- I'm gonna sit next to Shrek and mike, not like they're any better though." Sofia walks off with her lunch leaving you and Kool-Aid man alone, " what's her deal, can't I ask my girlfriend how she is?" your boyfriend says annoyingly, "she's just joking babe don't mind her lolololololololololololol."

You were chatting with your boyfriend when suddenly you felt a cold substance splash all over you, "WTF!" You shout, looking up you see Harry Styles and his gang laughing hysterically at you.

"What was that for?" you ask, Harry just smirks and walks off leaving you wet (haha wet). You start to cry making Kool-Aid man mad, his juice starts to turn red, "c'mon y/n let's get you cleaned up." you comply and follow your boyfriend to a gender-neutral bathroom and lock the door.

"What's wrong with them, " Kool-Aid scoffs, you decide not to answer as he was probably talking to himself. You look up to see him washing your blouse, you couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Suddenly you start to blush realizing you have no shirt on, "this is a perfect opportunity to have some fun!" You think to yourself.

A/N literally don't know what i was thinking when writing this shit.

y/n x harry styles vampire x kool-aid manWhere stories live. Discover now