Run Amy You must RUN

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Heartland Ranch.

Jack Bartlett lived on his 160 year old Family Ranch, handed down from one generation to the next.
Unfortunately for Jack he's lost his wife and his Daughter in a car crash. His Daughter never got the chance to marry, so no Grandchildren, no one to hand the Family Ranch to.
Jack had been on his own for a number of years until he met Lisa.
He took on a hard working 17 Yr old young man named Ty Borden two years ago and he's just turned 19.
He knows Horse's as does Lisa as she breeds them, but Jack is a Cattle man and he's teaching Ty everything he knows.

Jack and Lisa had been to a horse Auction and found two great Horse's. Jack arranged for them to be delivered the next day.
They were on there way home and Lisa asked Jack to slow down as they were approaching something laying on the side of the road. Lisa noticed they were very thin, very long blonde hair, they were filthy. Carrying a sleeping bag, back pack, large coat and a couple of bags.
As Jack continued on, Lisa looked behind and saw them move. Lisa also noticed it was a young woman, but as they were getting further away there was no sign of them getting up.
"Turn round Jack, that person needs help." When they got back to where they were laying on the floor, Jack turned round again and parked behind them. Lisa was out the door even before Jack stopped the car.
First thing Jack did was turn off the car , get out and lock it up. They were in the middle of nowhere and didn't know if someone was with her to hijack the car.
Lisa gently pushed her over and was shocked when she saw the state of this young woman who didn't look very old.
"Are you hurt love, we'll take you to the hospital."
Immediately a sweet quiet voice." NO,
NO, NO Hospital, they'll find me."
Jack looked at Lisa then asked her. "Are you in danger love, someone's after you."
"Yesss, please, please no hospital."
"Okay, we'll take you to our Ranch."
Jack helped Lisa get the young women in the car and Lisa got in the back seat with her, then Jack drove her back to Heartland.

When they got there, they both helped her into the Ranch House and sat her down on the sofa.
Lisa helped her get the blankets off from around her, then two big coats.
It could get very cold in the late afternoon, and even colder as the night wore on. Finally Lisa could see the young woman, she was filthy, she could see tear tracks running down both sides of her face, her hair, Lisa guessed was blonde but that was also filthy and caked in mud and straw.
Then she saw another reason why she may be on the road.
"What's your name love, you can trust us, we'll do whatever we can to help you".
These were the nicest people she had come across since being out on her own, she burst into tears and grabbed Lisa like she would a safety rope.

Eventually she calmed down and Lisa was able to talk to her again.
"Okay, so what's your name love."
"Erm Ella and I'm 17yrs old."
"Nice to meet you Ella." Of course, Lisa didn't believe that was her name.
"So how far gone are you."
"Far gone ??."
"Your pregnant love, how many weeks are you."
"Oh yes, sorry. I think I'm about 18 weeks."
"That's okay, your safe here okay. Now we have a friend who's a Doctor and if we ask she won't put anything down if you don't want her to. We just need to make sure baby's alright and your alright."
"Okay thank you, sorry I don't mean to be a nuisance, I'm just so tired and scared."
"I'm going to phone her, why don't you have a bath or a shower and clean up, you'll feel a lot better and it would be nice to meet the real you. I'll get you some pajamas and a robe, here's the bathroom Ella."
"Thank you Lisa."

Lisa phoned Dr Viriani, then got some pajamas and a dressing gown, putting them on the chair inside the bathroom, then banked up the log fire to warm the place up. Jack had gone out to find Ty and tell him they had a guest .
Lisa had made Hot Chocolate drinks for everyone and ordered a selection of Pizzas as she couldn't be bothered about cooking now.
When Ella came out of the bathroom Jack was back as was Ty, Lisa and Jack couldn't believe it was the same young woman. Ty's eye's almost popped out there sockets when he saw how beautiful she was.
"Look at you, you are absolutely beautiful. Come sit down in front of the fire, we have a selection of Pizzas on order. Now this is our Ranch Hand Ty, who is more like family. He's a lovely young man and only a couple of years older than yourself so don't worry , he would protect you no matter what."
"Really !!! ."
"Oh yes, Ty has had his own problems but he got through them and is now a very respected young man, isn't that right Ty."
"If you say so Jack." Then winked at Amy and gently laughed.

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