Starting a new Future

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                           Part 11

2 years later.

Amy and Ty had got very close over the last two years. Amy had spent the first year bonding with Marion and getting to know Ty more, cleaning and the odd bit of cooking. Lisa had been teaching her, she had also helped a few horses.
The Second year Amy really enjoyed herself, she spent more time helping  clients Horse's and some wild ones too with the help of the local Vet. Marion was growing quickly.
The police could find no connection of Kurt with Amy's attack, the fact that Amy heard them say that she was the wrong target put the onus on the Stantons , so a deal was made and the man who stabbed Amy was the scapegoat who was charged with attempted Murder. Ashley was charged with sending false information which led to an attempted Murder, she was sent to a youth custody facility for 12 Months, this didn't go down well with Val Stanton. 

For another two years its been very quiet from the Toronto Stanton's.
Amy and Ty are definitely a couple and are even sleeping together now that Amy is 20yrs old. They both share the parenting of Marion and Ty is totally in love with little Marion. Lisa and Jack love having them in the house.
This one night Amy and Ty were going out for dinner in town, she was now back to her natural Blonde hair  and dropped the southern Accent.
They went to a Chinese restaurant and Ty noticed as soon as they walked in how a lot of the young men couldn't stop looking at his girlfriend.
Amy looked absolutely beautiful and had a figure to die for.
Jack and Lisa always looked forward to babysitting Marion Lyndy Fleming.
After Ty and Amy had finished their meal they went for a walk around Town then went down to the river. As Amy turned around to ask Ty something she saw he was on one knee with a beautiful Diamond ring and he asked her to Marry him and make a life here in Hudson. Amy looked at Ty and smiled, "Yes, Yes Ty, I will Marry you, but remember there are two of us."
"I know Amy, and I  love that little girl with my whole heart, I will always protect the both of you."
He slipped the ring on her finger, stood and took her in his arms and kissed her with such passion that everything went quiet.
Ty drove home at a reasonable speed,  he was driving Amy's brand new Ram 1500 Trx Truck, She'd finally transferred some money into her normal Bank Account. Her Lawyer's  were transferring her trust fund of 2 Million into her triple locked Savings account.

Amy and Ty walked into the Ranch House and Lisa didn't miss the fact that they were both Gleaming, she smiled at Amy who smiled back and showed Lisa her left hand.
"Oh my god you two, your engaged,  congratulations 🎊 ."
They sat talking for quite some time . Amy explained that she wanted to start entering the show Jumping Circuit again.
"How good are you Amy."
"Well I've won 4 Championships since I was 14 yrs old."
"Really,  Wow that's amazing Amy."
"Thank you Ty. It was a lot of hard work, 10 hours a day, not all in one go of course."
"Amy what happened to your horse that you used".
"He was sold with the horses and cattle by my Sister, I begged her to let me keep him, he'd be 10 now."
"I have a lot of friends Amy, what was his name."
" Spartan. "
"We will have a look and see if we can  find him."
"Thank you so much Lisa."

The following day Lisa sent out an Email to her friends with a photo of Spartan and Amy's ownership papers
And a Bill of Sale.
(Her Sister Lou shouldn't of sold her horse, but then her Sister does what she wants.)
"So when's the wedding Amy."
"We thought in 6 months and we'd like to have it here if that's okay with you both."
"We would be highly honoured Amy."
"Thanks Jack."
A couple of Days later there's a knock on Lou's door, Henry answered and was surprised to see the man they only knew as Jason, he invited him in  and called Lou.
They were sat at the dinning Table  hoping he had news.
"I'm sorry it's been over two years, but your sister made it very difficult to track her, and as you know I have other jobs to do and responsibilities. What I can tell you is that she is Alive although she was dead for a while."
"What, dead!!!!!."
"I'll explain,  she was found on the side of the road collapsed.  A Cattle Rancher and his wife took her in.
They helped her, even changed her appearance,  hair colour, she changed  her accent, anything to throw em off her scent or whereabouts.  It worked great for a while, but another family of Stanton's  lived 20 minutes away from where she was living believe it or not. The mother didn't like or care for the Toronto Stanton's,  but the daughter wanted money that mummy wouldn't give her. She passed on information to Kurt Stanton. His thugs were supposed to see if the young woman was Amy, by the time they found her she'd already had her daughter a couple of months before.  They didn't care if it was her or not, they beat her up and one of them stabbed her with a Knife, thankfully she survived"
"So she's alive and I have a Niece".
"Yes, and I learnt that she fell in love with a young man and there getting Married in 6 months."
"Could you let me have the address  please Jason."
"I certainly will."
"Thank you."
"I may need your services again, if they hurt her Jason".
"Here's my card Lou."
"Oh here are some photos I managed  to get, she's a fantastic Show Jumper,  and this photo shows her in her Jumping kit, and this one is of her daughter."
"Thank you so much Jason. If she's going back onto the Circuit we probably will need you, cause they'll soon find her."
After Jason had gone Lou looked up The Heartland Ranch, Hudson,  Alberta.
When she went on the website,  the first thing she saw was a wanted Photo for Spartan, ' Sold without Owners Permission' .

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