Vacation Bitches!

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Adri POV:
The house was massive. And when I say massive, I mean MASSIVE! Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if like Barack Obama walked out. It was beautiful! It was white, looked about 3 stories tall. Windows covered the sides, so we could look out onto the beach and jungle surrounding the house. My throat burned thinking about what animals were lurking in the forest... "Jinxx... You didn't have to do this" I said still in awe. "Just think of it as engagement and turning present combined" he said obviously happy with my reaction. But I mean, why wouldn't anyone be happy at this moment in time? Like seriously!

Without warming Jinxx swept me off my feet, literally and metaphorically so that he was holding me bridal style. Ready to carry me off into the sunset. He ran us into the house, using his crazy vampire speed. Which I have to keep reminding myself I have now to. Remembering your a vampire can be hard sometimes! Throwing me on the bed he started to nibble on my neck. Planting kissed and grabbing just about everywhere he could find. "Do I get a 'good job at finding a house' present" he looked up from the kisses he was currently giving me and winked. "I'm sure... We can... Arrange something" I gasped in between moans as he started to suck on my neck, giving me a hickey.

::::::::SEXY TIME AF:::::::::

I laid in bed, Jinxx had his arm wrapped around me. Our unnecessary breathing synced. "I literally love you so much" he placed a hand on my cheek adoringly. Finally, I got a good view of what the room looked like. The walls were a light teal. Like ocean waves. Tan and beige furniture filled the room, including the bedspread, dresser, vanity and a couple comfy looking chairs. The best part of all was that one wall was completely windows, pointing out towards the sea. We could just sit here and watch the waves crash on the shoreline all night. "CAN WE GO SWIMMING" I suddenly remembered the giant ocean outside.

He laughed "Of course, I'm gonna go get my suitcase. Yours is already upstairs" he grinned and went downstairs. Pulling on a pair of boxers just before he left the room. As he walked i couldn't help but smile a little when i saw my name etched onto his back. Just like his was to mine. Opening my suitcase I remembered the terrible catastrophe. Ugh, I started to blush furiously as I looked for one to wear.

It seemed like he had literally went to some of the sluttiest stores on earth and went shopping. Like where do you even buy these? I'm pretty one of them was just a necklace, not a bathing suit. Jinxx was going to be back soon, I had to change fast. Eventually giving up, I pulled out a little black and pink suit. There were tiny little mesh triangles on top with solid pink hearts over my nipples. The bottoms were pretty much the same way, mesh with solid fabric over only the most private of areas. Just as I had finished putting them on Jinxx walked in. Whistling as he did so. "Man! Your so perfect babe" he smiled running his hand over my now exposed ass in the thong like bottoms.

"I literally hate you so much" I blushed. "Your beautiful. Do you think I would done this if I believed anything different. Your absolutely perfect and I don't know how you don't see it" he placed a hand on my cheek looking me straight in the eye. "Thank you, it means a lot." I felt a little better now. "NOW LETS GO SWIM" I cheered and once again Jinxx swept me off my feet. Carrying me down all the way to the kitchen before blindfolding me with something. "Is this were the perfect boyfriend/fiancé ends up killing his girlfriend/fiancé in the middle of the jungle" I joked as he tied the blindfold securely behind me head. "Jinxxxxx! How do I walk" I complained lightly. "Dont worry, you won't need to with me" he kissed my forehead. Literally this man was the best!

Still carrying me, he ran through the jungle almost effortlessly. Or at least I thought it was the jungle from the sound and smell of trees and forest, Quiet frankly I couldn't really totally tell with this god damn blindfold on! We ran for probably 5 minutes until he stopped and set me on the ground. Stopping and making sure I was stable before totally letting go. Such an amazing boyfriend! I felt his hands untying the blindfold in the back, making sure not to hurt my head or pull my hair. Suddenly the blindfold dropped and I was transfixed on what I saw in front of me.

A small little cove was laying in front of us. There was a small little pool of water, with a waterfall crashing into it. If you looked closely you could see a large cave behind the waterfall. Small stone steps worked their way down from where we were standing to the perfect little pool. Colorful flowers were growing around the water, covered in small water droplets.

"This is beautiful" I said with my hand clasped over my mouth. "It reminded me of you. Secret, hidden and guarded but breathtaking and irreplaceable once you find out" he squeezed my hand lightly. Giddy with childhood excitement I asked "Can we jump in". "We are vampires... We can do whatever the fuck we want to do!" and grabbed my hand pulling me in as he jumped into the water with me. It was the perfect temperature, not to warm not to cold. air was literally like the spot was magical. Created specially for me and Jinxx. For the rest of the day we played and splashed all over in the pool. Exploring in caves and trying to rumble down with the waterfall. The most fun I had had in a while. Me and Jinxx even found one fish and decided to try seafood, drinking the animals blood. Arkund midnight we headed home under the star covered sky, me still in my super skimpy bikini. "This was the funnest day ever" I grinned and kissed Jinxx on the cheek right before we started to watch some television in our room.

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