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Alice places Nikki into her crib. Charles comes in, holding his oldest, Ryan. Alice looks at Ryan, "Do you want to say goodnight to Nicole?" Ryan nods. Charles takes Ryan and leans him and leans him to Nikki's crib, "Goodnight, Nikki." Charles takes Ryan out of the room and puts him to bed.

As it hits midnight, Alice hears something come out from Nikki's room, then hears Nikki crying. Alice gets out of bed to check on her. She walks across to Nikki's room, and She sees a figure standing by her crib. Alice walks into the room to hug who she thinks is Charles. As she gets closer, she realizes it's not him.    

Charles hears Alice scream. He gets off the couch, goes to Nikki's room, and sees her crying. As Charles goes to pick her up, he sees blood in her crib. He looks up to see Alice pinned to the ceiling. Alice is bleeding from her stomach, then catches on fire. Charles instantly grabs Nikki and runs out of the room. Ryan stands outside his room. Charles grabs him, then the three of them run out of the house. Charles runs to Susan Harrison, his neighbor, and asks her, "Can I use you're your phone?" Susan gives the phone to him, and he dials the police first. "911, what's your emergency?" "My house is on fire and my wife is inside." "What's your address?" Charles gives the operator the address. He calls his best friend, John. He puts his children into his blue 1969 Chevrolet Camaro. Ryan asks, "Where's Mommy?" "Mommy went to a special place." "I want Mommy," Ryan cries out. "Shh- I'm sorry buddy." Charles gets into the driver seat and goes to start the car. Tears start streaming down his face. He wipes them away and starts driving to meet up with John and his two boys, Sam and Dean.

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