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Warnings: Fem!Reader. Slow burn story. Non-canon ages - Rafe is just a year older than the Reader and Sarah, who are of age (!!). An age gap of one year. Arguing, insults. A lot of smacking each other. Mentions of alcohol consumption and getting drunk. Eavesdropping. SMUT (minors DNI; Oral sex - female receiving; Unprotected sex; Spanking; Biting; Risk of getting caught; Praise Kink; Orgasm denial, etc.).

I do not give anyone permission to repost or translate this story. Please respect my wishes. If not, I will be reporting your ass. Thank you.

This was written and originally posted before season 2 came out, so there might have been information we didn't know of yet.

This was written and originally posted before season 2 came out, so there might have been information we didn't know of yet

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Hate is a big word.

Yet you're not scared to use it when you describe your relationship with Rafe Cameron.

You two have known each other for years, and that feeling has never changed. Oh, well, to be fair, when you first met him, you had a crush. It is a secret you still believe you will be taking to your grave. You're embarrassed for ever feeling that sort of way towards him, but what can you say? You two were just kids.

That crush started mostly because you had just begun to be friends with Sarah in middle school, aka the time that your family decided to move to the island, and he was just there. Rafe Cameron has never been unattractive since you've met him, so, it's not really your fault, is it?

Your crush on him lasted probably about two weeks, and it ended right when you were first invited to have dinner with the Cameron's one day. Well, not just you, you were a kid, so, you and your parents.

Lucky for you, that's exactly when your parents and Sarah's actually started to have a good friendship between them, which in your opinion is what saved your friendship with Sarah many times, because you two argued a lot while growing up, (but in your defense, she did not keep any of your secrets as a kid and it was always very infuriating).

Anyways, the dinner started off normal, your parents were the ones that did most of the talking while the younger kids just stuffed their faces in with the delicious food. You would innocently steal looks at your crush when Sarah wouldn't be looking and everything was extremely calm.

God, you still remember how that would always make you feel a whole rush of adrenaline. A bit dramatic, sure, but for your first love, it's quite reasonable.

When dinner was over, the adults went inside and you stayed with the younger people in the backyard. For the most part, it was just you, Sarah, and her little half-sister, Wheezie, which was still super young at the time. Rafe kept his distance, but with a lot of encouragement (from Sarah) later, he actually decided to sit with you all.

You remember that you felt nervous just to have him beside you. The idea of talking to him terrified you.

What if you made the fool out of yourself?

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