It Comes At Night

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There were only five days before the dreaded anniversary, so perhaps the dark cloud hanging over Drake's head is what prevented him from sharing his opinion on which clown he thought would win in a fight to the death. It was Art, by the way. His answer. It was Art the Clown.

"Pennywise?!" Stephen exclaimed, as if with disgust, and he nearly choked on his overpriced theater soda. As the unofficial leader of their friend group, it was unusual for him to be in the minority when it came to the topic of horror films, or really anything else. He had a way with words, so even if he started out alone, he could usually sway at least one other person to join his side. People listened to him. He had a kind of charm to him that drew others in. "You're fucking kidding me, right?"

"He can shape-shift," explained Ja'won, and that's all he said, as if that point alone ended the argument. He didn't get as heated as the others. He was more patient and kinder, but still confident enough in himself to speak his mind. When it came to the typical high school stereotypes, he leaned towards the geeky side of the spectrum, yet he still had the charisma to fit in well with the popular kids.

"And did you see the way he bit that kid's arm off?" Trevor added, his eyes large with wonder. "His mouth is huge! He could swallow Art whole, I bet. Do you think?" Ah, Trevor. How does one describe him? Trevor is just...Trevor. He's mellow (stoned) and happy (stoned). He goes with the flow, while still somehow managing to be the wildcard of the group (probably because he's stoned).

"Is little person?" This came from the girl with the low-cut top seated next to Drake. Her dirty blonde hair was in a single braid that rested over one shoulder. There wasn't much to say about her personality because she didn't really have one, and if she did, none of the guys knew her well enough to know, including Drake, the boy she had come with. She seemed flustered when she noticed everyone staring at her. "Isn't that — that's what they're called, right? I mean, what they like to be called? You can't say the m-word, right?"

Three pairs of dumbfounded eyes turned to Drake, who lowered his gaze while raising his drink to his lips. He clearly had no interest in her — not really — and even he wasn't sure why exactly she was there. She was hot, he was bored, and making out was fun. It's not like they were hooking up. Besides, she had a boyfriend, and it wasn't Drake.

Ja'won felt the need to explain. "He's pretty tall actually. It's just that Pennywise can open his mouth really wide."

"Like a hippo!" she said, understanding now.

"Uh, right."

She seemed quite pleased with herself, and an awkward silence blanketed the table, then was broken by the sound of Drake slurping out of an empty cup.

"I'm gonna get a refill," he said.

"And I'm gonna run to the little girls' room." The unnamed teen grabbed her purse and stood. "Could you get me some candy? Those long things with all the sugar on them? Thanks." Without waiting, she gave him a quick peck on the lips and hurried off.

Drake, too, left the table, and just before leaving earshot, he could hear Trevor picking their conversation back up again.

"Okay, okay, I got one. Leatherface...." He paused for dramatic effect. "...or cocaine bear?"

"What's up, brother?" Josh greeted when the boy approached the counter.

"Can I get a refill?" he said. "And sour patch straws."

Josh picked up the nozzle and pointed it into the empty cup. He glanced up at his stepbrother for a moment and noticed him staring absently at the downpour of soda. "You okay?"

Drake lifted his eyes then, slipping out of whatever trance he had been in. "Yeah. Why?"

"You seem down," he pointed out as he returned the lid to the cup.

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