New Body

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2 Weeks Later

Callie's POV-

I woke up and found a little bump in my stomach. I placed my hand over it and smile. I get up and take a shower. I get out, brush through my hair, and brush my teeth. I walk out wearing a towel and go over to the dresser. I put on my bra and underwear and drop the towel.

Harry's POV-

I was in the kitchen eating cereal when I heard a big thud. I immediately set the bowl down and rushed upstairs. I go into Callie's room and see her laying on her bed with he legs hanging off of the bed and her pants unbuttoned revealing the lace of her underwear and she's topless.

" Cal?" I ask confused on what happened

" Mmhm?" She mumbles

" What happened?"

" I tried to wear jeans."

" Hmm?" I ask

She sits up," I'm getting bigger Harry and now my jeans don't fit anymore." She complains then flopping back onto the bed with a sigh

I sit next to her and look at her stomach. There's a little bump poking out and I think it's cute.

" Why is it a bad thing that you're getting bigger?" I ask

" Because I'm a teenage girl who used to be fit." She says

" Yeah, but isn't it good that you're getting bigger?"

" Yeah, for the baby, not for me." She complains," I used to be head cheerleader, most popular girl in school, and I was in the honor society. Now I'm just that knocked up chick." She lets a few tears out

" You're not just some knocked chick." I say making her sit up and I place her on my lap

" Oh yeah? Well then what am I." She asks letting more tears come out of her eyes

" A amazing, fun, pretty, cute, nice, kind, and caring girl. Whoever thinks that you are 'just some knocked chick' is absolutely wrong." I say to her letting her rest her head on my chest

She slowly picks her head up and leans closer to me. I lean forward and we kiss. Truthfully I always have wanted to kiss Callie since she moved in. She is the best girl I have ever met, besides my mum and sister. Our heads move in sync and she places her arms around the back of my neck. I place my hands on her lower back. We pull away and look at each other.

" Sooo..." She says

" Sorry." I apologize

" No, don't be sorry. It just kind of complicates things." She admits

" Well do you want to be my girlfriend?" I ask

" Umm... Sort of." She says, blushing a lot

I kiss her and she kisses back.

" I would love to be your boyfriend." I say

I smile at her. She moves off my lap and gets up.

" What? Why are you leaving my lap?" I ask, saddened that she left my lap

" I have to change, now leave." I say pointing to the door out of my room

" Ugh." I grunt leaving the room

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