Chapter 09

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Jisung pulled off, pouching his cheeks with what his boyfriend had released into his mouth, he didn't know he could swallow, but he also wanted to taste it for longer. He peered up at Hyunjin who was in pure bliss, panting, his cheeks having a light red tinge to them.

"Swallow or spit baby, you're going to work me up again if you look at me like that with my cum in your mouth." He breathed heavily, biting his lip at the sight of his boyfriend. The younger boy had wet hair, his bare body on full display. He was still kneeling, his member fully hard and pressed against his lower stomach.

Jisung blushed, swallowing and moaning softly when he did so. He squirmed a bit, tempted to touch his member, he wanted to feel something, he wanted more. "H-hyunjin?" He asked softly, wrapping his hand around his dîck and rubbing his thumb along the tip as the older boy had done to him earlier and he quietly moaned. He'd never touched himself like this before, and it was as if he had no shame doing it in front of his lover. Getting off once really should not have altered him this much, now, all he wanted was for Hyunjin to touch him, and make him feel good again.

"Yes, baby?" The older watched the younger with a smirk. "Quick learner you are~" he teased and lifted the boy so he was standing again. "You wanna cum again, Sungie?" He asked and traced his fingers along the curvature of the boy. "You're so pretty, gosh, I can't get enough of you," he spoke huskily and moved Jisung's hand away before gently holding both of his hands in place so he couldn't play with himself.

This earned a whine of protest from the younger male, who was panting and squirming, wanting to feel that spark of pleasure once more. "P-Please..." he was begging for it, fully submitted to the older without even knowing it. He never knew about different sexual dynamics, he was so new to all of this, but he loved it. He loved the way Hyunjin asserted dominance, he loved the way he was spoken to and manhandled.

"Please what, puppy?" Hyunjin's little smirk flashed but disappeared in a blink of an eye. This made Jisung gasp, still squirming beneath his hold.

That smirk on Hyunjin was never good, but seeing it now made his mind race. "P-please..." He panted, cheeks now the colour of a firetruck, his eyes closed, body trembling from how overwhelmed he was. No way could he voice what he wanted, he would much rather die than ever have to admit that he wanted to have Hyunjin make him nut his brains out again. "T-Touch me... please, touch me," he settled for that wording, hoping the older boy would give in to his pleas.

"Touch you where?" Hyunjin asked with a tilt of his head, his lips forming a sly smile. He knew what he was doing. He knew that Jisung would be embarrassed, and he was having a lot of fun teasing and seeing just how far he could push the boy without scaring him off completely.

"Y-You know where, stop being mean," Jisung huffed, being bratty once again without acknowledgement. He glared at the older, trying to get his hands free, wanting to do it himself if the older wouldn't do it for him. "H-hmph!" He gave an angry pout when the older would not budge, only smirking at him.

"Say it, say that you want me to touch your pretty cock," Hyunjin taunted, watching Jisung struggle against his hold was not only arousing, but amusing for him as it gave him a sense of power. It reminded him that he was in charge. "If you don't say it I won't do it,"

"T-That's mean," Jisung began tearing up, starting to feel overwhelmed. His head was spinning, and he was far too embarrassed to say anything like that to his boyfriend. The way his boyfriend spoke sent shocks through his core, he liked the harsh words and treatment, but he was struggling to keep himself composed.

"Shit! Don't cry Sung!" Hyunjin let go and panicked when he saw the look on Jisung's face. "I was just playing baby I'm sorry," he cradled the boy. Fuck, he really needed to learn how to contain himself.

His sex addiction really did have too much power over him, so much so that he forgot how inexperienced his boyfriend is...

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