Chapter 4 - Memories Restored

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As Harry's memories continued to flood back, he found himself becoming more and more grateful to Kaidan for rescuing him from his dull life on Earth. He had no idea just how much he had been missing until he was back among the stars, fighting for a cause and surrounded by a team of skilled individuals.

The memories came back in bits and pieces at first. He would be doing something mundane, like eating a meal or walking down the hallway, and suddenly he would remember a battle they had fought or a dangerous mission they had undertaken. It was disorienting at first, but he soon learned to embrace the memories and use them to his advantage. As Harry began to remember more about his past, he also began to realize just how skilled he was in combat. He had always been a good fighter, but now he had access to years of experience and training that he had long since forgotten. He started to spar with other members of the crew, honing his skills and regaining his confidence.

Kaidan was particularly impressed with Harry's progress. He had always known that Harry was a skilled fighter, but he was amazed at how quickly his memories were returning and how well he was adapting to life on the ship. Kaidan knew that Harry had a lot of potentials, and he was eager to see how he would develop in the coming weeks and months. As Harry grew more comfortable on the ship, he also began to bond with the other members of the crew. They were a diverse group of individuals, each with their own unique backstory and set of skills. Harry found himself drawn to them, eager to learn more about their lives and their experiences.

He spent long hours talking with the ship's engineer, a brilliant but somewhat eccentric woman named Lin. She regaled him with stories of her latest inventions and showed him how to fix various pieces of equipment on the ship. Harry found her enthusiasm infectious and he soon became fascinated with engineering. He also spent time with the ship's pilot, a stoic but talented woman named Rei. She showed him how to fly the ship and explained the various systems that controlled its movement. Harry found flying to be an exhilarating experience, and he quickly became proficient at it. Over time, Harry began to feel like he was truly a part of the crew. He had found a purpose and a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before. He knew that he had Kaidan to thank for that, and he was determined to repay him in any way that he could. One day, as they were working on a particularly difficult engineering problem, Harry turned to Kaidan and said, "Thank you for rescuing me. I can't imagine what my life would be like if you hadn't found me."

Kaidan smiled at him. "You're welcome. I knew you had potential, and I wasn't going to let you waste it on Earth. You belong out here, among the stars." Harry nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude and respect for Kaidan. He knew that he had been given a second chance, and he was determined to make the most of it. With his memories restored and his body enhanced, he was ready to take on whatever challenges the universe had in store for him.

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