Where We are Now

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None of the Total Drama contestants expected to be in the same vicinity as each other ever again. But here they were, standing in a silver lounge room, staring at each other like everyone was an alien.

"Well, at least the snacks look nice," said Owen after the first few minutes of awkward silence.

Sierra waltzed into the room with a styrofoam coffee cup in hand, and everyone shot daggers at her. She laughed sheepishly, clicking her red heels together. "Hey guys—I can explain."

"You better," LeShawna snapped. "I specifically remember you tellin' me in your email that you'd interview all of us separately!"

"And my word still stands!" Sierra stated. "While I interview you individually, the rest of you can stay here and mingle! Doesn't that sound great?"

"I'm not so sure," DJ replied timidly, eyeing Eva.

"Oh, come on! It'll be like a big high school reunion!" Chimed Sierra. "You can all play some fun catch-up games in here. And hopefully, by the end of these segments, you guys will actually participate in the group chat I made for everyone years ago."

"You made a group chat?" Noah asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Um, YEAH. Right after World Tour!"

"Oh no, how could I have missed that?" He deadpanned.

Sierra looked at him flatly. With a quick shake of her head, she averted her gaze back to the group. "You guys still want that money, right? I promise that the questions won't be invasive!"

Amongst the crowd, Duncan snorted. "So, what are you gonna ask us? What our favorite color is?"

"You'll see. It'll all be worth it," Sierra said. "Justin, you're first on my list!"

"Oh, alright," the professional model and pop star tried to hide his enthusiasm as he approached Sierra. "Wish me luck, gorgeous," he winked at a girl with long, wavy brown hair.

The young woman waved and blew a kiss. "I know you'll do great, honey!"

The cast members looked back and forth between them, mouths agape. "—Beth?" LeShawna blinked.

"Yes, it's me," Beth grinned, showing off her straight, whitened teeth. She wore a bubblegum pink dress with pale pink heels. Her chestnut brown hair curtained her face, making the "high school pushover" Beth look almost unrecognizable.

"Oh my god, you're, like, an actual model!" Katie—who stood next to Sadie by the snacks—commented.

"Thank you!" Beth chirped.

Everyone started circling Beth, intrigued by their former peer's new look. "Girl, I am so happy for you," LeShawna complimented. "You look so badass and confident now."

"It sounds sad and pathetic, but I've been waiting my entire life to hear those words," Beth laughed.

A tall blonde stumbled over her heels as she exited the restroom. "That's my best friend, everybody!"

Beth eagerly pulled Lindsay next to her. "I have to give Lindsay a lot of credit. She helped me achieve the best glow-up ever!"

"Awe, thank you, bff!" said Lindsay.

"Beth," LeShawna started, "no offense, but—Justin? Really?"

"Well, we ran into each other at Maple Leaf Coffee about a year ago. I guess I surprised myself," Beth shrugged bashfully. "He's still a bit egotistical, but he's much sweeter now."

"He really is!" Lindsay excitedly concurred. "And he's rich and famous! What more could a woman ask for?"

LeShawna raised her eyebrows. "I won't comment on that. You do you, girl."

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