Broken Hearts

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A/n- announcement at the end!!💙

"Alejandro, take a deep breath," said Mariana over the phone.

Alejandro listened and inhaled shakily through tears. After the paramedics got Heather to the hospital, they had to take her into a private room for blood tests. Alejandro wasn't having it. He had tried to fight with the nurses and doctors so he could stay with his girlfriend, but they forced him to wait in the lobby. Now, he was crying in the restroom, alone with his thoughts.

"Now, honey, what's wrong?"

"It's—Heather fainted," Alejandro answered. "We're at the ER, but they made me stay in the waiting room. All they told me was that her blood pressure was dangerously low! Anything could be wrong with her!" He started sobbing again. "I'm so scared, mamá! This has never happened before!"

"Oh, mi hijo," Mariana replied softly. "Do you need us to come up there?"

"Por favor?" Alejandro sniffled. He felt like a scared little kid.

"Ok, your padre and I will get there as soon as possible."

"Gracias, mamá."

"Of course. I will always be here for you, mi vida," Mariana said.

After hanging up, Alejandro got himself together enough to sit in the lounge room. He anxiously tapped his foot, trying to think of anything else. His mind raced with the worst outcomes—what if Heather had stage four cancer and didn't tell him so he wouldn't be sad? What if she had some other kind of illness? What if this was the last time he ever saw her?

When Mariana and Pedro arrived, Alejandro was on the verge of tears again. He let them give him comforting hugs, then repeated the story to his father.

"She'll be ok, hijo," Pedro told him, patting his shoulder. "She may just have not eaten enough today."

Alejandro blinked. "Well...she looked sick. And she hasn't been acting like herself for over two months. I'm afraid she has a chronic condition. I don't want to lose her." He buried his head in his hands. His shoulders trembled as he sobbed.

Mariana rubbed her son's back. She stayed silent because she didn't know what to say. Alejandro hadn't cried like this since his abuelo passed ten years ago. It broke her heart to see him in such a state.

Eventually, Alejandro couldn't cry anymore. He felt numb as he tried to accept the possibility of never holding his love again.

"We were fighting," Alejandro told his parents. "I was about to break up with her, and I made her cry." He took a deep, trembling breath.

"What happened, honey?" Mariana asked gently.

"I was angry because she wouldn't tell me why she's been distant. Courtney was worried about her, and I'm sure some of her coworkers felt that way, too. I thought it had something to do with me—that I wasn't doing enough."

"Cariño," began Mariana, "I can almost guarantee it has nothing to do with you. I know how much you love and care about her."

"I don't want our last words to be the ones we said," Alejandro spoke regretfully. "I just want her to be ok. Can you tell me she'll be ok?"

Pedro furrowed his eyebrows sympathetically. "We cannot say for sure, hijo, but we can keep a positive attitude."

Alejandro burrowed his head back into his hands. "I want to be in there with her. They could be hurting her more, for all I know."

"Alejandro, they're doctors," his mother assured. "They know what they're doing."

"I know, but I do not understand why they won't let me be with her. It's not right!"

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