Who the hell are you?

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Thursday -2008 - 9:47 pm 

Kelsey Winchester tried to have a normal life, even if her brothers were monster hunters and they were out for vengeance.  She made it very clear when she left the house to Sammy she just wanted a normal life, no monsters, no death, just a normal boring life. Even if that meant sitting and reading all day, she wasn't risking her life every hour of the day.

As she laid in bed like she always did after work, the light outside had began to catch her eye. So naturally she went to look out the window.

"Shooting stars  or maybe its falling stars, whatever there called" She brushed it off and went back to laying in bed and reading. As time went on she began to drift off to sleep with the book on her chest.


The crash of glass awoke her and she jumped straight out of bed and grabbed her gun, even if she didn't hunt monsters she still knew how to defend herself. She left her bedroom into her kitchen where she found a man wiping himself up with a rag.

" Who the hell are you? Why are you here"

The man turned around, she instantly went clam and put down her gun 

" I'm Castiel" " And you are?" he asked as he tilted his head at her, looking at Kelsey as if hes never seen something like yourself before.

" Kelsey" she said in a calm tone, confused on how she all the sudden became this way. He began to walk towards her and she didn't move, she didn't fear him. He placed his hand upon her cheek.

" I really didn't think humans would be like this" He commented. " What do you mean us humans" " What are you then" she had said looking even more confused then before.

" I'm an Angel " " Your an Angel?" " Yes" 

She sat there with a blank stare of her face wondering if she had really heard what she heard. " So Castiel" " Call me Cas" "Cas, why are you here... in my house" " I was told you know some hunters that could help me with earning my wings back".

" My brothers are.." " Sam and Dean" " How did you.." " Where would they be". Kelsey sat there stunned, how could this angel of a man know her brothers. " Did they put you up to this" She looked at him with a grin. " No God did". 

Ok give me a second, she walked back into her room to grab her phone and he was just standing leaning against the doorway starring. " I like you" He simply said and walked back out to the kitchen, That's one way to say it. 

Kelsey: Hey so I know it's late but do you know anything about fallen angels bc I think I have one in my house right now?

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