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As Kelsey sat her phone back on her bed side table waiting for Sam to respond she wandered back out to the kitchen where Cas was nowhere to be found. "Cas?" she called out with no response, as she turned around she was met with a hard chest behind her " Yes Kelsey" He had said looking down at her.

She looked back up at him as he walked into another part of the house. "Damn, hes not too bad for a homeless man" She still thought this mystery man was just crazy. As Cas entered the living room he had picked up a photo frame.

" This is Mary" He said pointing in the direction of your mother in the photo. " How do you know my mom" He looked at you like you met before. " I pulled your brother out of hell, of course I know your family very well". 

As she went to respond her phone began to buzz from the other room

" Hey kels, you said you think there is an angel in your house ? I saw your text me and dean have been working on a case"

" Yeah... he knows mom Sam, and dad and you and Dean. He looked at me as if we have met before. I'm so confused. What are you not telling me."

" What are you talking about"

" You never felt the need to tell me that Dean went to hell or that Castiel pulled him out and risked his wings, What the hell is going on"

 " Wait did you say Cas"

" Yeah why, you know him"

" We are friends, I'll explain everything once you get here"

" Ok i'll be on my way"

As she hung up the phone Cas was sitting on the bed behind her, waiting for her, watching her. " Lets go, I have to take you to my brothers" She said getting dressed, Cas just still sat and watched " Do you mind" With that Cas got up and left the room. Even though I wouldn't mind him watching I had things to get done. 

Kelsey grabbed her keys and headed out to her car with him following right behind her. Cas grabbed her hand before she had the chance to open the door. " Thank you Kelsey" He said as he let go of her hand. They got in her car and started the long drive to the bunker.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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