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Gionna couldn't help but bury into the warmth beneath her. Kyles arms unconsciously tightened around her as his nose buried into his hair. The blanket he had grabbed the night before was doing nothing to keep them warm. Her cold hands found their way beneath his shirt pressing against his warm back. Slowly the two finally grew warm.

She was the first to wake. When she realized her position she carefully moved off on him. Almost immediately he was moving back into her for warmth. On her second failed attempt to get up she gave up and simply moved onto her back. He turned and followed her his cold nose burying into her shoulder. Her fingers began to move through his hair drawing a long sigh from him. While it would put him to sleep it also woke him up.

"Five more minutes." He grumbled not wanting to move.

"One." She replied.

"Three." She jokingly huffed.

"Fine five." His arms wrapped around her as a sigh left his lips.

"You're so warm. This isn't fair." She lightly laughed. He was always cold where as she was typically always warm. The two enjoyed the comfortable silence for a few before they heard small feet padding towards them. Before Kyle could even attempt to separate himself from Gionna, Finn climbed up on the couch and pressed himself into his fathers back.

"Oh my lord. He's a cuddler just like you." She commented earning a chuckle and a nod from her best friend.

"G. He's basically just a little me, besides the fact that he looks more like Lexi." Carefully Kyle separated himself from Gionna before turning around. Finn all but smashed into his father. "You good Finn?" She could hear the young boy mumble something but couldn't make out what it was. "I'm sorry Bud. We fell asleep out here." Finn spoke again and Kyle could feel Gionna lean in trying to hear what was being said.

"I couldn't find you." She couldn't help the pout that formed on her lips at the young boys words.

"I'm sorry...." Kyles words were spoken softly and she could tell he felt guilty. "You sleep at all bud?"

"Not really." The older man sighed before he shifted so he was sitting up bringing Finn with him. Gionna followed the two before she carefully leaned into Kyles free side.

"What if we all stay in and just watch some movies?" Both sets of bright green eyes were on her. Finn tiredly nodded causing both adults to lightly laugh.

"That sounds amazing G." Kyle said quietly before she grabbed her phone. "You're not paying if you're ordering."

"Oh but I am. If we order later you can pay but for now I am." Gionna could hear the older man's annoyed huff which she just rolled her eyes at. "What would you like to eat little one?" She asked Finn who looked up at his father asking for approval to answer. Kyle gave him a small nod before the young boy answered.

"Pancakes." She couldn't help but giggle at his words. Slowly the little one was reminding her more and more of her departed friend. By the time she had ordered Finn was falling asleep on his father.

"He really is just like a little Lexi isn't he?" For once when Gionna brought her up his expression didn't turn for the worse instead Kyle simple smiled as he chuckled softly.

"In his own way he is. He might not have been around her long but my god. You just wait until he gets feisty with you, you're going to die. His face.... Dead on just like how she used to get. Even better though is when he doesn't like something, his nose scrunches up just like hers did. It's honestly amazing how much he's like her." The smile didn't leave his face as he spoke and she couldn't help the smile that appeared on hers.

"Does he do that weird thing when smelling things?" Kyle couldn't help but laugh as he knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Yes and I couldn't fucking tell you why. Literally will smell things ten times before trying it and all I can do is sit there and wait." She couldn't help her giggles as she leaned into him. "You remember when she used to bite her thumb or finger when she was thinking about something?" Gionna nodded. "He does that too. Like I seriously don't know where he learned it all but he does those things and it's like she's standing right in front of me."

"I can't wait to see him do that." She said with a light laugh.

"Oh he will. There will be more things you notice too." She looked up at him thinking about things only Lexi would do.

"Does he only fall asleep on you?" She asked knowing that was one thing her old friend always did.

"Only person. He will literally be right there to falling asleep and leave the persons lap and come to me. Doesn't matter what I'm doing. I have to watch sometimes when I'm holding him because he will just go out randomly and it's like fuck if he keeps sleeping he won't sleep tonight. But then it's like trying to wake up a bear. Do it the right way or get your head bitten off." She couldn't help her laughter. It was exactly like how Lexi was.

"God I miss her." Gionna said quietly earning a nod from Kyle.

"I do too G but trust me when I say she's here with us." She nodded as her hand went to run along his forearm. It was a soothing action for the both of them. "She used to always say that if she passed to take a walk under the moonlight and she'll guide the way. The first night I got Finn after getting out of prison he wouldn't sleep. Was straight up screaming couldn't get him to stop no matter what I did. It was a warm night and the moon was out so I went for a walk with no idea of where I was going. Something in me said to just follow the moonlight...." When Gionna looked up at Kyle she could see him fighting tears and she knew this was something he had never shared with anyone. He was never this vulnerable with anyone but her. "I walked for nearly an hour before I wound up on a bench in front of her grave. By that point Finn had finally calmed down. I didn't want to stay there but I couldn't leave. Something in there made me stay there and that's when I noticed there was a flower in bloom right next to her grave. I couldn't tell you how it got there because there was only one around and there has never been one there since but there was a singular chocolate daisy that I still have to this day." Gionnas arms slid around Kyle. They both knew chocolate daisies were Lexis favorite and it was a flower they had both avoided since her departure. "Ever since then if he couldn't sleep at night I would just go for a walk, would end up in different places but every time I stopped I wound up in front of a blooming flower. I know it could just be a coincidence or whatever but to me it tells me that she's still looking over us and I feel like it's her way of saying that I'm doing a good job with Finn." The two were quiet for the longest time before Gionna spoke.

"She will always be with us Kyle. No matter what. Nobody that met her could ever forget her and that's how she lives on to this day."

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