The new Semester

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"Well, here I go" I quietly said to myself as I entered my hell hol- I mean, my class

It was the start of the new semester and I had to come back to this torture prison called SCHOOL.

Ugh, even the sound of it made me feel sick.

Who the hell invented school? Couldn't he have just given us text books to read?

Nope,we were forced to go to school and socialize with society while having work forced down our throats.

Is this not some form of child abuse?

Some of you reading this may be saying "How could she hate school?" Or "I agree"

But here's the thing, I go to a private Catholic High school called "St.Rivera Catholic Academy " It sounds lovely and indeed it is...but there are some pros and cons to it:

1-You wear a uniform

2-All girls school

3-Classes are huge 25 plus students

4-They guard you like you are from azkaban

5-And there is also a Thick book which looks like the holy bible filled with rules

6-Private academy

Personally, I never wanted to go to this school,but according to my parents it was the most prestigious school in Brampton. Ha. Prestigious my ass. I was a regular teenager from the Caribbean loving life until we migrated. So what if it was a better education than public schools? But here I am, going to school for the third year here.

I know you're probably saying "Oh, she's just another girl issues" and then leave and won't even bother to continue reading...

But hey, I got more than issues if i'm documenting it here to share with everyone.

I looked up as I entered the class and saw the regular groups,cliques,districts whatever you want to call it they were............

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