Altalia:The bitch keeps running her mouth I look like a fucking idiot
KidInk:Why you look like an Idiot
Altalia:Because bitches warned me about her managing you and I said I had nothing to worry about I got my man on lock but look at us now that hottest longest celebrity couple bullshit is gone the bitch put your shit out there you lost fans cause you fucked that bitch
KidInk:Why do you keep worring about her
Altalia:Because my fucking family buisness is being put out their how much have you told this bitch about us
KidInk:Why would I tell her about our personal family buisness
Altalia:Cause she got you to fuck her never know what else she might have got out of you
Altalia:So you invited the bitch over here and she has a fucking key
KidInk:I gave her that key way before we started fucking it was because she my manager
Altalia:You make me fucking sick,Im going to check on our son and when I come back that bitch better be gone
KidInk:Okay I got you
Altalia:You better cause if the bitch still here when I come down she gonna wish she was dead *Goes upstairs*
Elisa:Kid who was that
KidInk:Why you worried about whos in my house
Elisa:Cause im your girl
KidInk:No your not you was a quick fuck im a married man and you need to go
Elisa:Oh so that bitch here im not going no where
KidInk:Look my son is here and if you wake him up Altalia will come down here and fuck you up so just go
Elisa:Im not going no where I want the bitch to try and whoop my ass
Altalia:I aint got to try and do shit I will be easy to whoop your ass I fought niggas smaller and bigger than you
Elisa:Than bitch whats up
Altalia:Bitch why you keep running your mouth
Elisa:Bitch I dont like you
Altalia:And bitch I dont like you fucking either *Steps in her face*
Elisa:Get out my face
Altalia:Bitch im in your fucking face
Video>>>>>>>>> (Starts at 1:55 and pause at 2:39) *Altalia=Green shirt,Elisa=Black*
Altalia:Bitch I aint do shit to you till now
KidInk:Altalia chill
Altalia:But your ugly ass wanna run your mouth
Elisa:*Runs up and they start fighing again* (Un pause video now)
KidInk:*Breaks them up* chill out
Altalia:Keep hitting me first and im gonna keep fucking you up
Elisa:I didnt get fucked up
Altalia:Bitch look at your nose its bleeding
WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!!!
KidInk:Because yall wanna be dumb Key'Onte done woke up
Altalia:I told you I wanted to the bitch to be gone when I came back you couldnt do that *runs upstairs to get Key'Onte*