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Bokuto continued to kiss her as he moved towards one of the doors opposite the kitchen. He paused at the one on the left, pinning her body between himself and the door as he freed a hand to work the handle. She let out a sigh at the feeling of his body pressing up against her and began to kiss him with more urgency. He responded in kind, abandoning his efforts with the handle to run his hand through her hair, tugging gently. Emma let out a moan at the feeling and pulled away with a soft, 'Fuck...' She felt him smirk at this.

'I'm trying,' he whispered, freeing his hand once again and finally succeeding in opening the door. Emma let out a throaty chuckle at his comment, followed by a gasp of surprise as he threw her down onto the bed. Bokuto flopped beside her a second later, sweeping the hair from her face. 'How have I never met you before?'

She rolled to her side to consider her companion. She took in his profile, stretched out beside her, and her breath hitched. 'Damn, you are beautiful,' she whispered. It was his turn to laugh now, and he rolled to mirror her position.

'Isn't that my line?' Somehow it didn't sound cringe-worthy as his golden eyes met hers. 'And anyway, you are avoiding my question, Emma....' He nudged her side, leaving his hand resting on her hip while he awaited her response.

Emma swallowed hard, fighting the tingling that had begun to spread from his touch, and tried to find her voice.  'Actually, Emma is not my real name...' She tried to sound mysterious as she held his gaze and moved her hand to cover his where it rested at her side, twisting her fingers in his and guiding it beneath the hem of her top to rest on her bare waist.

He inched himself closer to her, leaning in to kiss her softly. 'Oh, really? What a bad girl-' He couldn't even finish the line before he burst into laughter. 'Damn that's lame! I dunno how Kuroo scores with that shit.' He looked up to find her laughing softly as well. 'Sorry, ah...?' He cocked his head to the side just as he had earlier that night, prompting her for a name.

She laughed. 'Emiko. But I have just spent the last few years in the US, and everyone knew me as Emma there. It was just easier,' she shrugged. Well, most people, she thought, before deliberately squashing all thoughts of him from her mind. Now was not the time. She looked back to the silver-haired boy beside her. She couldn't explain it, but even though they had only met a few hours ago, she felt so comfortable with him. Like she could be completely herself, flaws and all, and he would still cherish her. Like he would protect her. Like she could breathe again. And it had been a while since she had been able to feel like that.

His hand began to move up from her waist, his fingers brushing the side of her breast as they moved to caress her back. And a while since I have been able to enjoy this she thought to herself, closing her eyes to enjoy the sensation. She felt his lips meet hers, soft and slow, his tongue gently meeting hers as he deepened the kiss. 'Bokuto...' she breathed.

She felt him pull away from her and opened her eyes. 'While we are talking about names,' he said quietly, 'mine is Koutaro. Although my mum is really the only one who calls me that and- fuck! Why am I talking about my mother right now?' He rolled onto his back, hands  covering his face . He heard her chuckle again and turned his head to look at her. 'As you can see, I'm not very good at ... this.' He said, motioning to the two of them.

She smiled at him in a way that felt familiar and natural. 'Sure, this is not how guys usually woo me, but then I get the feeling you are not most guys.' She winked at him and trailed her hand down his torso, bringing it to rest on his inner thigh. 'And I am not most girls.' She winked as she rolled herself on top of him, swinging her leg to straddle his hips. Her dark hair, pink at the tips, fell in a curtain around them as she leaned in to kiss the hollow of his throat. 'Am I right, Kou?' She whispered in his ear before raising her eyes to look into the face of the boy she felt she had known for far longer than the span of a drunken frat party.

He gave her a lopsided smile that crinkled the corners of his golden eyes. 'You're extraordinary, Emi.' When he kissed her then, it was like nothing she had felt before. The connection was beyond sexual tension or pure desire. It's like he knows me, she mused to herself, wondering how she could be stupid enough to feel a bond like this with a volleyball jock who was meant to be a one-night stand. He's a fuck boy, Emi. Just enjoy the moment for God's sake. As if to encourage her brain to agree with her body on this, she reached down and removed her shirt. 

He groaned and rolled suddenly, reversing their positions so that she was now pinned beneath him. He bent his head to kiss her, harder this time, before trailing his lips down her neck, across her collarbone, and down her chest. He looked up at her, a glint in his eyes, as his lips hovered deliberately just above her breast. She met his eyes and smirked, aiming a slap towards his muscled arm in mock retribution for being such a tease. His reflexes were too quick. He held her arm above her head and lowered his lips, circling her right nipple with his tongue before finally taking it in his mouth, slowly kissing the soft skin before moving to the other side. 'I thought you said you were no good at this,' she managed between breaths.

He pulled away then, straightening, and lifted the fitted white tee over his head to reveal his perfectly chiselled chest. She stared, at the ropes and ridges of muscle that wrapped his arms and torso. 'No Emi, I said I wasn't good at flirting.' He leaned down to kiss her deeply, tugging at her bottom lip gently. 'I am, however, very good at this,' he smirked. She laughed at his confidence, and he silenced her with another kiss.

'Ok Kou, show me.'

                                                      *  *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *

Kuroo shook his head, shoving his phone into his pocket as he strode down the hallway towards room 401. He didn't know why he was surprised. In all the years he had known Bokuto, he had never seen him arrive on time for training. Although now that Akaashi was living with the silver-haired pain in the ass, things had begun to improve. Kuroo flipped through his keychain until he found the right one. He let himself in, noticing the empty ice cream tub on the coffee table and no sign of Bokuto. He sighed, opening the door opposite to rouse his lazy teammate. 

'Rise and sh-...' The lanky figure stopped mid-sentence as he took in the scene before him. He blinked several times, sure he must be seeing things. He stood in the doorway for a moment, letting his eyes wander over the figure of the girl curled up against his friend's sleeping form. Her long hair spread across the pillow. Her round breast pressed against Bokuto's chest. Her toned legs entwined in his.

'Damn, Bo,' he whispered to himself, shaking his head at his friend's lucky catch. He gently closed the door, running a hand through his shock of raven hair. He put a pot of coffee on to brew and rummaged in the pantry, finding a box of oat bars that could serve as breakfast to go. He headed for the door again but doubled back, unsure about the best way to do this. Akaashi would kill them both if they were late, but he didn't want to make it awkward for Bokuto's naked (and very attractive) companion either. He lingered by the door, hand hovering over the handle, when suddenly it swung inwards. 

'Fuck!' The now-clothed girl from Bokuto's bed exclaimed, startled by the unexpected presence in the doorway.

'It would seem so,' smirked Kuroo, looking pointedly past her to the still-sleeping ace. She rolled her eyes in response, pushing gently past him, and headed for the door. As she reached for the handle, the dark-haired boy called out.

'Forgetting something?' He dangled her handbag, retrieved from the stool it had been abandoned on the night before, in his outstretched hand. She huffed and strode back to collect it. Just as she went to grab it, however, he lifted it beyond her reach, laughing as she jumped to reclaim her property.

'Asshole,' she whispered as he finally handed her the bag. He smiled as he watched her leave.  A few seconds later he heard his teammate's door creak open and saw a bleary-eyed Bokuto emerge, his eyes searching the room for his overnight companion. 

'Good night?' Kuroo winked at this friend, tossing him an oat bar. 'Looks like you could use the energy after that one.' He nodded his head towards the door, and Bokuto gave a shy smile as he thought about the girl he had spent the night with. Kuroo rolled his eyes and gave him a clip behind the ear.  'C'mon bro, get dressed. You know what Akaashi is like if we're late.'

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