chapter eighteen

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"Juliet Hampton looked angry."

JULIET COULDN'T HEAR anything. She couldn't see past her rage, her surprise, her dread, or the smashing of her heart. She was broken, the stabbing of a knife through the boy in front of her being the final straw. If he died, what did she have? Her mother was already gone, planning to stab the blonde's body next, so really, what was left? Not much at all.

The girl screamed at the woman as the blade was pulled out of the boy's back, Ethan himself finding his knees to buckle beneath his body with a mangled yell. His eyes were squeezed shut, chin pointed up, as he tried to hide his pain. He could die, was what was running through his brain. However, it wasn't the fact he was dying that scared him, it was the fact that he was dying in front of her. Juliet would have to watch as the blood dripped from his mouth onto the floor that he would soon be buried beneath. That moment would stick to her like glue, the blonde trying to scrub the memory away like she did with the scars on her hands. It would never leave her.

She didn't even think as her hands moved, her hand forcing her head to turn away. Juliet reached through the glass case Ethan had shattered - the boy in question having his shoulders forced back by the girl's mother as she sneered into his face - and pulled out a knife. Because the woman was so distracted with watching the blood squeeze out of Ethan's creased back, she didn't even notice the girl tightening her hold on the weapon as she silently crept forward.

Ethan let his head drop in pain, squinting his eyes open as he watched the girl shuffle forward. He gulped back his thoughts as he registered the girl and how she looked angry. Juliet Hampton looked angry.

He surveyed her with narrowed, almost frightened, eyes. There wasn't a single thought behind her irises other than the thought of death - and not just Ethan's, which scared her. In that moment, she wanted her mother to suffer, whether it was at her hands or not.

Her mother slashed the knife into Ethan's arm, causing the boy to shut his eyes once more - forgetting about the girl's rage for just a moment - as he tried to suck in the pain that passed through his parted lips. Without wasting another second, another minute that could delay Ethan's life by years, Juliet leapt forward, knife held high in the air.

Just as the mother had swung the knife back out of the boy, another blade had punctured her own skin. She gasped in shock, hands shaking as the knife in her hands clattered to the ground. Turning around, the last person she expected to come face to face with was her daughter, who stood there without a single emotion. The scariest thought of all was that the younger girl reminded her of herself - someone Juliet never, ever wanted to be.

The blonde pulled the knife out and stabbed the woman in the chest, earning a pained shout from the woman as she dropped to her knees. Blood gurgled in her mouth, spilling over her lips like Juliet used to wish the compliments and love would. Her mother never truly lover her only child, especially after the death of her father. Juliet never knew what it was, until now. She wished she could go back to when she never knew.

The young girl leant down with a sneer on her lips, an entire wildfire in her bright eyes that used to be alight with another kind of emotion. Her forehead was only inches away from her mother's, who only stared up with a provoking glance. It only angered Juliet further as she finally let her lips part. "Rot in hell," she seethed, "you bitch."

It was then that she finally detangled, letting her inner fire and rage swarm her heart. She felt it's beat raise as she pulled the knife out of the body and slam it back in, over and over and over. Ethan watched from his position on the floor, one hand on his back as he watched through squinted, painful eyes. Blood was dripping between his fingers and slipping down his arm, but it was the last thing he cared about. All he cared about was her.

It took him the same time it took Juliet to stab the woman six times to get up, pushing himself away from the floor he thought he'd be buried beneath with a painful wince. He stumbled over to her quietly before grabbing ahold of her wrist once it was in the air, gently touching her cold skin as his other hand reached for the knife in her hand. He tried to get it, but her hold was too tight.

"Julie," he whispered with a rasp, it hurting to even talk for the boy. However, his voice grew a different kind of soft when he looked at the girl's face. She was finally opening her eyes, her inner eyes, to see her mother a bloody wreck on the floor. She had tears running down her cheek, her teeth biting her lower lip to try and contain her mind-warping emotions that'd caused such a tragedy. She was a mess, just like his body, and just like her mother's.

Finally, after a few seconds, her hands grew to shake so much that she couldn't hold the knife. He gently guided it away from her hands, throwing it to the floor behind them before pulling her closer. She instantly fell into his grip, the girl wary of his pain, as she avoided the splotches of blood and gaping wounds. She told herself, he should be the one in tears, yet he was there. Ethan was still there to hold the girl while she suffered in pain.

She sobbed into his neck, hands gripping onto his shoulders like her body would fall if she didn't. His arms were around her back, holding her tight as his cheek pressed into hers. He turned his head, pressing kiss after kiss to her hairline and forehead, trying to stop her tears from falling. He tried to ignore it, the bloody body beyond recognisable lying behind them, but he couldn't. She was lying right there.

"Are you okay?" He heard her whisper as she slightly pulled away, face moving to hover in front of hers. Out of instinct, his eyes flicked to her lips. 

"Yeah, yeah . . . I'm okay," he nodded slowly, eyes straying to her eyes as his brows creased. "Are you?"

She forced a smile, that he could see but decided to ignore. She needed him to believe it so she could too. "Of course I'm okay."

Juliet had never spoken a bigger lie.

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