The Day Everything Fell Apart

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"This is the Emergency Public Broadcasting System. This is in fact a emergency. Please get inside a building or car. There is a refugee camp in Atlanta Georgia. They have food, beds, water, and showers. Repeat...."

It was August 25th, my sisters birthday, and I was heading to Atlanta for her birthday. But, I couldn't move. I was stuck on I-85, and nobody knew what the hell was going on.

I opened the car door, and started walking, hoping someone knows what's going on.

I approached a couple, they looked scared and kind of confused.

"Hey, uh- do you know what's going on at all?" I ask, hoping they do.

"The dead....

They were alive!" The woman screams, hiding her face in her partner's arm.

"What?" I mumble.

"Yeah... We were at a funeral and her DEAD mom just got up and started biting people's necks out. And then those people got up, even though they were dead." The other woman says, trying to keep her calm.

I didn't have any words. The Living Dead? Seriously? They had to be joking.

"Your joking right?" I ask, laughing a bit.

Both of the women look at me with looks on their faces that tell me otherwise.


They both take a deep sigh and just walk away.

'Nope. No. This cannot be happening.' My mind rushes with thoughts as I run back to my car.

I slam the door shut and turn on the radio, hoping there is some radio station that is playing music. I switched through them, and all of it seemed to be playing that Emergency Broadcast. My ears ringed, and my head felt lightheaded.

"This is actually happening..." I mumble to myself as my eyes tear up.

I get out of my car and start to walk further onto the highway. Hoping someone could tell me this is fake or that we are just stuck in traffic. But, everyone else seem to be panicking as much as I did.

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, and I look behind me to see a black haired man with a brown haired woman.

"Excuse us, ma'am, but do you have any idea what is going on? We are trying to get to the refugee camp." The man asks, with a confused but confident expression on his face.

"The dead-

They are....

Well how do I state this-" I question before getting cut off by a loud booming sound. I turn around and see the sky is full of oranges and yellows. The colors were a bit far off in distance, but it seemed close enough that we could feel the explosion.

"Oh my god..." I mumble, while my eyes widen.

I heard screams and the running footsteps of people. Some people were being trampled over, others being pushed. I felt someone grab my hand and yell about some kids.

"Come on! You wanna live right?!" The black haired man yells, pushing me into a RV.

I look around and see a couple of other people sitting around: Four children, a couple of men, and a couple of women.

"I said, we just gotta wait it out!" A older man yells, pointing his finger at a blonde haired woman.

"Fine! Okay! You win!" She puts up her hands in defeat.

Once they were done arguing, people started to look at me. I was still on the ground, and confused.


Why am I here?" I ask.

The blonde haired woman speaks again, "Shane was just pulling random people in here. Whole families too." She says looking at a gray haired woman

"I'm sorry? Shane?"

"The black haired dude." The older man says.

"Ohhhhh okay..."

"Yeah. So do you gotta name?" The blonde haired woman asks.

"Yeah. I do. It's Y/N."

"Well, Y/N. Do you have any idea what's going on? Dale, the old dude, said that the dead are living?" The blonde haired woman asks.

"I saw this couple. They um- said that they were at a funeral right before this, and that the dead person had come to life and was ripping out peoples throats out. But then, those same people got up like it was nothing." I sigh, resting my back on the wall and putting my face in my hands.

"This cannot be happening!" The gray haired lady cries, holding one of the children.

"Yeah I know. You would think we would die of nuclear war or something; not a bunch of dead people." I sigh, looking at the group.

Suddenly, the door opens and I see that same black haired man, Shane, come walking in.

"I think this is enough people." He says, putting his hands on his knees.

"Why the fuck did you put us in this RV! I don't even you know man!" A man with a extremely southern accent yells at Shane.

"Just be grateful I saved your ass!" Shane yells.

"Well I could have been fine all by myself!" The Redneck yells again, pointing at Shane.

"Calm down, Merle! We should be worrying about the bigger issue!" The old man, walks over to him and blocks him from Shane.

"Get out of my way!" He yells, pushing the old man.

"Merle! Stop it." The other redneck yells, rolling his eyes.

"Fine! But next time, you won't be safe." Merle laughs, sitting down.

We all just sit there in silence, waiting for one of us to open our mouths.


Y'all got names?"

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