A Family Dinner (PT1)

65 2 12

(Genre: Angst; No-Quirk AU
TW: Homophobia//Verbal Abuse//Death Threats)

"Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am!" Toya grinned confidently. His phone rested in his cup holder to his left as he drove down the highway,  his boyfriend on the phone. "It's about time my family met you!"

Toya had been dating his boyfriend, Tenko Shimura, for five years now. They had both talked about marrying each other after high school, but first, the Todoroki's had to meet Tenko. Obviously, the albino did not see the issue. Tenko was a lovable person and very charming and smart. There was absolutely nothing that could go wrong!

"Well...as long as you're sure..."

"I am sure." Toya said firmly. "Are you ready? I'm about five minutes out."

"Yep. Just about." Tenko chuckled softly on the other side. "I'll see ya when you get here, Love."

"Love you."

"Love you too, Ten."

The phone beeped, indicating the other had hung up. Now, the car ride was very quiet. The sound of the radio hummed softly in the background, but it wasn't loud enough to hear anything that was playing. Probably some commercial break or something.

Toya turned into a neighborhood, one that immediately felt like home. He smiled a bit to himself as he squeezed the steering wheel. Tenko had moved out of his aunt's house as soon as he turned eighteen. Of course, she lent him one of her many houses–she was probably one of the richest people in their state–until he got onto his feet. The freedom was nice; Toya was a bit jealous. He often found himself spending multiple nights with his boyfriend due to family troubles.

As Toya pulled into the parking lot, his phone vibrated in its place. He glanced at it before parking the car. As he expected, it was Tenko.

~My Love🥰: Hey bb~
~Me: Hey~
~Me: Im comin in~

Shutting off his phone, Toya got out of his car and headed up to the front porch. He pulled out his spare key from his pocket, unlocking the door and allowing himself inside.

"Tenko!" he called.

"Upstairs!" his boyfriend called back.

The albino's heart leapt as he made his way up the stairs. He found Tenko in his bathroom, standing before the mirror with a small bag beside him. Toya walked over and leaned against the doorframe, admiring the man work on his face.

"You know you don't need all that makeup, right?" he hummed, "You're beautiful just the way you are!"

Tenko giggled. "As much as I love your compliments, Darling," he hummed as he brushed the blush brush across his cheek cautiously, "I want to make a good first impression. Besides, it's just a small coverup. Nothing too heavy."

"Yeah yeah." Toya rolled his eyes playfully.

Tenko's bathroom was very neat and clean. A small section of his sink counter held about three bottles of skincare substances while his toothbrush–and a spare for Toya, a bottle of mouthwash, and a tube of toothpaste on the opposite side. A pristine white towel hung up beside the shower. Other than those selected items, there was nothing visible.

Once Tenko had finished, he stepped over to his boyfriend and welcomed him properly with a soft kiss on the cheek. He gave the albino a soft smile as he ruffled the other's messy white hair. Toya gave him a smile in return as Tenko began cleaning up his makeup supplies.

"Want me to grab anything for you?" Toya asked.

"My jacket." Tenko replied from behind the bathroom door. "It should be downstairs on the rack."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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