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Variel was staring down from the wall of Palewind Castle, watching and listening in horror to the cries of agony, the roaring of the fire and the chants of the mad cultists below. They were calling to him, calling for their god - Ignaius.

As soon as Tanier reached Variel, he put his arms around him from behind, as if he wanted to make sure he would not run off. He pulled him away from the edge and back to the stairs.

"We go inside." He stated, slightly loosening his grip, but still holding Variel pretty securely, manuvering him to the main building, trying to avoid other people as much as possible. Inside he did not look left or right. He walked straight to his room, dragging Variel with him.

In the room he didn't give him much room either.

"You are filthy and you smell. You will get a bath now." He dragged him to the bathroom and made sure he undressed and got into the bath. Then he called for a servant and instructed him to stay with Variel until he would be back.

Next he left to get a picture of the overall situation. Not the part about those madmen setting the city ablaze as a sign of dedication to his fiancé, but to find out, if the castle was secured by now, who made it and who didn't, and if anything could be done to help the people whose town was burning.

By the time he got back outside, the front gates were closed. Guards were making rapid patrols to ensure no one had slipped past them, while most of the non-military people were safely in one building or another. Archers still stood on the walls, while several members of the guard had left to join the city guard in putting out fires or killing any remaining cultists. Things were not calm - per se - but they were not quite as hectic as they had been.

Amongst those who had returned, many were searching for loved ones or friends. Ayt-Airy and her daughters had made it back all right, but some had not been so lucky.

As everything seemed to be under control well enough, he talked to some of the leading officers. Mostly he did so to let them know that he was around and well. They didn't really need him, so he cut his visit short. He could not do much here, so he went back, but instead of going to his room, he went to Variel's where he took a bath, while he ordered a new outfit to be brought to him and Variel. He wanted to make sure that there was no smell of smoke left on him or his clothes before he went to see Variel, so he made sure to wash himself thoroughly, but still quickly, as he wanted to be with Variel as soon as possible. He had the idea that the young man would need support, and probably even more of it than usual.

In the middle of his bath, Variel had had to climb out of the tub and lean over the basin. What little food was in his stomach was violently expelled, and afterward, he swayed where he knelt. The servant made sure to keep him upright and helped him back into the tub to finish washing. He was incredibly slow about getting out of the water and pulling on the fresh clothes. He felt so weak and shaky, and he still couldn't breathe easily.

Seeing how weak he looked, the servant took Variel straight to the bed, then stood there hovering, unsure of what else to do for the young man. He asked if Variel wanted water, but got no answer.

Variel just lay there, staring at the ceiling as his mind tore itself apart. Part of him desperately wanted to weep, but he couldn't.

As soon as Tanier got back to his own rooms, he sent everyone out. What he needed now was privacy, not for himself, but for Variel.

When he found him apathetic lying on the bed, he decided that any attempt to console the young man was most likely wasted and that a stronger approach was needed. So he asked him: "I know and hopefully you know as well that you can not be blamed for the actions of these zealots. Still this calls for action. What do you want to do about it?"

Variel looked at him from where he lay, his eyes full of turmoil and pain. He still looked like he was in shock, and that wasn't untrue. He could hardly process what had just happened and why, and now this question...

"...I w-want to know why... I want to know... w-what they want from me... why... a-all those people had to die..." Had their been any other noise in the room, he might not have been heard, but as it was just the two of them, his small, hoarse voice was only just audible.

"Then we shall ask them."

The king said so as if it was the most simple thing to do. He knew that it would be more difficult to put the idea in practice, but he was getting tired of being in the dark and waiting for news. If his enemies were willing to show themselves so openly it was getting more and more absurd to rely on clandestine operations.

"What you need to do, before we can do this, is come to terms with your role. Do you accept or denounce this vocation? Are you Ignaius - or just a young man with an unusual talent? I fully understand that you do not want to be anything these people see in you. At the same time, your abilities are quite real. You can denounce the role they try to assign to you, but you can not denounce facts."

Variel shivered and curled up into a ball on his side. His chest felt so tight and his stomach still churned, even though it had nothing in it left for him to regurgitate. "I-I don't know!" he exclaimed in pure frustration, his voice muffled by his hands. "I d-don't even know what Ignaius is or what they think I am! I don't even know what I really am! I'm just... I-I'm so tired of... a-always causing problems for everyone around me... a-and now this..."

"None of this is your fault."

Tanier was very clear on this. He slowly and carefully started to stroke Variel's hair, before he gently massaged his shoulders and finally put his arms around him to hold him.

"You are Ignaius. Who should define, what Ignaius is, if not you? Surely not those lunatics. Actually it may be them who are waiting for you to tell them who Ignaius is."

At this point there was a rasp knock at the door and the king admitted the messenger.

"Sire, the enemy has been driven away from the castle, at least for now. Lady Ayt-Airy called for a meeting and is requesting your presence."

Tanier was still lying on the bed, holding Variel. If the man, who delivered the message found anything strange about it, he surely didn't show it.

"Tell them I will be on my way shortly."

When they were alone, he explained Variel what he would do, although he had overheard the whole conversation and surely had an idea what it meant.

"I have to go to the meeting. I will come back to you as soon as possible. I don't want you to be alone right now and I am pretty sure that Vis is as unavailable as I am now. Try to sleep, you need some rest. I promise I will wake you when I come back."

He slowly got up and left, sending in a servant again, before he left for the meeting. Indeed Visorro-Kior was there, as much as most important members of house Costell, the military commanders and a few people he could not easily place. As soon as he entered, everyone from his entourage grouped around him, as everyone had obviously waited for him to give his reports.

New Horizons (Part 7 of the Ignaius-Saga)Where stories live. Discover now