The Siblings' Fate

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Another quick kiss and Tanier disentangled himself from Variel. As he more or less crawled out of bed, he started to feel tired and relaxed as he should do. He was hoping that they would have a few minutes, as he was putting on a fresh shirt.

His wish was granted and he was peacefully sorting through his notes again when the messenger arrived to let him know that Lady Ayt-Airy and her brother would be ready to see them in an hour.

He was delighted when Ayt-Airy had decided to receive them on the terrace again. He had fallen in love with the view and just hoped that the location was not a bad omen. He surely paid attention to come across as approachable and relaxed, something that was a lot harder to fabricate than appearing rough, harsh and demanding.

"Thank you for making this meeting possible so quickly. I have a rather unpleasant topic to discuss, completely unfitting for the pleasent morning and company, but I need to learn from you as much as I can about this cult. Not just what you can tell me about thier presence here, but also their activity in Aurora. I understand this must be a painful topic, as you lost your home thanks to them. Still this fact alone stresses, how powerful they are. I have to admit that I ignored them for too long, most likely."

Variel sat silent and prim beside Tanier, hands folded neatly in his lap. He was well aware that Visorro-Kior was watching him, but he tried to look at the sibling who was speaking, which was currently Lady Ayt-Airy.

"You wish to know of our family's fate, then..." The lady's mouth was pressed into a thin line. Even after more than two decades, it was still such a painful topic. "...Very well. I will tell you what I remember, if it will help us know our enemy."

Vis put a hand on his sister's arm in a show of silent support as she began the recollection.

"I was seventeen at the time. My brother was... ten, I believe. Our family was fairly prestigious with respectable holdings and wealth. We lived in a beautiful manor atop a hill overlooking the ocean..." She paused, appearing ot be looking off into another time and place. "One night as we slept, men in robes stole into our home. I do not know how many of them, but they killed our guards and captured everyone else. Visorro-Kior and I were dragged from our beds and taken outside, where we were held in place..." The lady had begun to shake, and Vis now decided to take over and spare her.

"They burned the servants first," he explained, having returned to that rare grave demeanor. "Most of them were old friends of the family, men and women my sister and I had known since the day we were born. Next, they bound our parents to stakes right in front of our house. The entire time, they continued to chant. It is a chant I will never forget, and I am sure you are familiar with it now. As they beseached and declared their devotion to this bringer of fire, they lit the stakes and our home ablaze. I can remember Mother telling us to close our eyes, that it would be alright, and Father telling me to be strong. They continued to try and comfort us even as the flames drew near and they began to cough. Then they started to scream, and I could not close my eyes."

Ayt-Airy took in a steadying breath and picked up the story. "I was certain they would burn us next, but instead, one of the men approached us. He told us not to despair, that everyone's suffering was over and that they were in rapture, their souls giving power and life to the one who would cleanse evil from the world. They told us that we could join them, that we would be a part of something great."

"I spat in the fucker's face." Vis stated with all the venom he could muster. "He merely laughed and gave an order for us to be cast in the flames. I was afraid, of course, but I knew that father would have been ashamed had either of us given in to such an offer. However, as we were seized, a robed woman shouted for them to stop."

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