Everything's Going to be Okay

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Everything hurts.... Where am I? Am I dead...? No, no I'm not dead..Where am I though? What are those noises? Stuart opened his eyes to see his mother hovering over him, her hand was on his forehead, checking his temperature. Stuart tried to ask her what happened, but when he opened his mouth nothing came out. How long have i been asleep for?

"Oh my dear. I'm so glad you're awake... you've been out since yesterday afternoon." Stuart's mother informed him. She didn't sound like how she normally did. She sounded... worried. This time when Stuart opened his mouth to talk he managed to get a few words out.

"What... what ha-happened?" His voice sounded frail, but it was able to make it's way out of his scratchy throat. Stuart's mother explained everything that had happened the day before. All Stuart could think about was what had happened to Y/N...? His mother gave him a few pills to help with the waves of headaches that would come and go. She helped Stuart get up out of bed and walked him to the bathroom. She told him to clean up and that she would have a fresh pair of clothes for him when he came out. Stuart gave his thanks to her, closed the door, and instantly looked in the mirror to see the damage.

Yikes! Stuart yelped as he saw his reflection. His blue eyes scanned his head that was covered in bandages. The bandages didn't cover his whole head so he could see that his hair was... gone??? Why is my hair gone? As much as that concerned him he remembered why he was in the bathroom in the first place. He did what he had to do and when he came out of the bathroom and walked back to his room he found a small stack of clothes, just like his mother said there would be. He slipped into his favorite pajamas-zombie ones of course! What else would they be?-and then he got hit by a massive headache. He had to sit back down onto his bed due to the impact of this one. Stuart looked over at his bedside table and saw the painkillers his mother had given him earlier. He eagerly grabbed them, popped open the cap, and downed two pills without any water. Wait how many am I supposed to take again...? Oh well it's too late, plus it'll help me right? Stuart started to feel better almost instantly, but he still felt tired so he laid back into bed and took the best nap in his life.


"Just don't be out for a long time I guess" Y/N's self centered mother told them as they walked out the front door.

"'Kay." Y/N answered. They quickly locked the front door with their spare key and sped walked a few blocks to Stuarts house. It was bright and sunny Sunday, but that didn't solve Y/N's nervousness. They had been worried sick for the past 24 hours because of what happened to Stuart. I really hope he's doing alright. Y/N thought as they turned a corner, going onto Stuarts street. They picked up their pace as they walked up his steps and ringed the doorbell. DING DING DONG. The weird doorbell ring was sort of comforting in a weird way. Mrs. Pot opened the door and instantly let Y/N inside.

"Thanks for letting me in. I hope I'm not intruding." Y/N thanked Mrs. Pot.

"Oh no, no dear it's quite alright. I bet you Stuart would like the company right about now." Y/N could smell the hint of burbon on her as they made their way down the tight hallway and into the living room. Mrs. Pot grabbed some water for Y/N and went into Stuart's room to inform him of his visitor. When Mrs. Pot came back out she told Y/N she could go in and that she'll be out in the kitchen if the needed her. Y/N gave her their thank you's and walked into the chaotic, poster covered room. This wasn't the first time they've been in his room, but it was always neat seeing the new posters he added to his collection. Stuart was sitting on his bed reading his favorite issue of Tank Girl. Y/N didn't get why he liked that one, it was so boring! Stuart finally looked up at his visitor and a smile crept up his face.

"Y/N!!! I wasn't expecting to see you so soon!" The young boy put his comic down as Y/N tackled him with a hug.

"Are you ok? How have you been? Do you need anything? Oh, I'm so glad you're ok, Stu." Y/N bombarded the poor kid with questions.

"Yes, yes I'm ok, I'm ok!" Stuart answered one of the kids questions, "But if you could loosen up your grip a bit that would be great!" Stuart said in a strained voice due to the lack of air.

"Oh! Right, sorry about that." Y/N let go on Stuart so he could catch his breath. They sat there in silence for a bit just enjoying the peace. That's when Y/N noticed his hair.

"How's your head feeling? Also your hair is kinda..."

"Oh, my head is fine, I guess. And I know, my hair is kinda funky right now."

"Oh ok, good. So did you, like, decide it's time for a change and chopped your hair off and colored it?"

"Uhh, no. It's weird cause I have no clue why my hair fell out- and what do you mean by... colored it...? I've never colored my hair before." Stuart was starting to worry about Y/N's well being and if they were seeing things.

"Uhhhhmmm, well I don't know how to tell you this but your hair is... blue?"

"WHAT?" Stuart yelled as he ran down the hallway to the bathroom. Y/N followed close by and stood behind the tall kid as he started to unwrap his bandages. It seemed like a few tuffs of hair didn't fall out when he fell out of the tree, but they were all... azure blue? Stuart called for his mother and she came sprinting to his aid. He was freaking out, Y/N was freaking out, and Mrs. Pot was freaking out over the fact that her son found out his hair is blue.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNEW MY HAIR TURNED BLUE???" Stuart started to cry and Y/N gave him a comforting hug in which he returned. The height difference made the hug a bit awkward, but Stuart needed it.

"Ok, let's calm down, shall we?" Mrs. Pot asked her son. He took a few deep breaths.

"See? That's better. And to be honest, I don't know why this is happening. I've never seen any patients come into the hospital with this problem." Stuarts mother confronted to her son. That just seemed to freak him out even more though. It'll be ok, Stu. It'll be ok. Y/N wanted to tell their friend.

Everything's going to be okay.

A/N: sorry for not uploading any new chapters for a while!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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