03-A gift

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Charlotte knew how she couldn't get klaus off of her mind. She knew that no matter what she did. He's was there. She knew what he was and she knew that he was bad news and yet she couldn't stop thinking over him and it was driving her mind

She knew how caroline was a vampire and she knew all her family had taught her over vampires and werewolves and she was more than aware of what klaus was capable of and yet she couldn't seem to get him off if her mind and of annoyed her

Charlotte knew that it was a mess and she knew how she had things over them klaus mikaelson to deal with

Charlotte stood getting ready for work and looked to see Chloe as she walked into the room "did you hear" she asked as Charlotte to her


"Klaus left with Stefan. He's hunting hybrids I bet that your glad that he is gone" she said as Charlotte frowned

Charlotte couldn't help but feel upset that he had left without saying a word to her. She knew how she had spent the day with him to get the blood for Damon and she knew it wasn't easy.

She didn't know why that she felt upset over it. She knew that after all that he was a human and how she was a human and even if he seemed to be everywhere that she seemed to be, she liked the attention of it

"That's for the best. Maybe I can walk around without seeing him and hoping that he will kill me" she said as Chloe looked to her and smirked

"Oh please I have seen how klaus is with you. Your the only human that he won't kill. If you ask me you have nothing to worry over" Chloe said as Charlotte turned to face her sister and frowned

"Haven't you got to go and bug Damon I mean if it wasn't for me being nice to klaus then your little boyfriend would be dead" Charlotte said

Chloe looked to her and rolled her eyes "Damon is not my boyfriend and I think you enjoyed the company. Besides as much as you deny it I think you will miss klaus"

"Again go and big Damon"

"I can't...he's looking after bambi since stefan left" Chloe said as Charlotte looked to her and smiled

Charlotte stood in the grill. She knew that she was bored and she knew that she felt bored without klaus and she couldn't explain it. She ran a hand through her hair

She knew that she was working. She wanted to try and get some it if this village. She had dropped out of medical school and she knew all of this with klaus. It made her think over her future

She looked to see elena as she walked into the room and looked to her "what can I get you" Charlotte asked

"Have you seen Chloe. She is with Damon"

"So? Chloe is allowed to be with Damon or are you jealous I mean stefan is gone and you decided to play with the other brother. You know that you can't get away with playing with people. It's your birthday so why don't you grow up the real world is so much harder" Charlotte said.

Charlotte knew how elena had been playing between the two brothers and Charlotte knew that Chloe and Damon were getting closer and she was annoyed.

She was annoyed by elena and she knew elena was only wanting attention because stefan was gone and she was bored. Charlotte knew one thing and she knew how she wasn't going to sit back and let her sister get hurt because of her

Charlotte walked through the car park. She heard a noise and jumped. She looked to see it was a wild animal "bloody vampires. Have me on edge" she said to herself as she got to her car

She looked to see stefan and jumped "what the hell" she said

"Klaus sent me" he said as she frowned

"Good for him"

"Come on Charlie I'm not the bad guy" he said as she smiled

"What does he want" Charlotte asked. She was tired and she wanted to get home. She leant against the car as he handed her a box

"He wanted me to give you this" he said as she frowned

"I know what you think but he isn't as bad as he seemed I mean he's still a psychopath"

"Half of the town is a vampire, a witch or a werewolf my sister included. None of it scares me" she said as he nodded

She looked as he vanished. She opened the box and saw an iPhone and looked to it. It was all set up. She looked to see it was klaus ringing and frowned

"What is this?! You think that you can leave then have your lab dog give me a phone I already have one" she said as he chuckled

"It's a gift love. Turn around" he said as she frowned. She turned around and looked to him as he walked over to her

"I don't need you to buy me. I have my own money I work unlike half of these people" she said as he looked to her and smirked

"Well it's just a gift love. Don't get to upset over it. I had to come back and see you" he said as she crossed her arms over her chest

"Your the one who left"

"And yet here I am because I couldn't stop thinking over you Lottie" he said as he backed her against the car

She looked to him and frowned as she realised how close that they were. She was pressed against the car and she looked to him

"Now that's a shame isn't it. The question is what your going to do over it" she asked as she pushed him away.

She got in her car and drove off. He looked after her and smirked. He knew how he couldn't get Charlotte Forbes off of his minds. But little did she know how hooked that she was about to become on him

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