Chapter 3 - The double date.

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Kyle's POV
Kyle's house


"It's going to be fine, kyle. We can just pick out a suit or something and just act like a couple. Easy as that!" Kenny explained.

I picked out a suit for me and Kenny in our closet, Kenny said he doesn't have fancy clothes or suits so I'm lending mine to him.

We got dressed, did our hair. I got a text from Stan. He sent me the place and told me to be there in a few minutes because they're picking a table and it may take some time. "We still have some time, Stan said we can take our time because the place is packed and it's going to take some time." I sighed.

"Well, do you wanna practice?" Kenny finally spoke. "What do you mean?" I replied. "You know- aghh- like- uh. kissing?" Kenny stuttered. My face turned tomato red and I think it was obvious. "Are you okay, Kyle? We don't have to do it. I'm just asking because what if Stan and Wendy broke up and you know- what if Stan likes you." Kenny added.

"Fine.." I mumbled. Kenny got closer to me and put his hand behind my neck and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips touched and moved together in sync. Damn was he a good kisser! I pulled away to breath and a string of saliva followed. I know, I know, we're just 'practicing' but damn did this feel so genuine and real.

Kenny locked his lips into mine again softly and we made out for at least.. 10 minutes?

I heard my phone beep, someone's calling me. It must be Stan. I picked up and Stan said that they finally got a table for 4 and that we can be on our way. Me and Kenny left in silence and drove to the fancy restaurant.

Kenny's POV
The Fancy Restaurant

We finally arrived and DAMN was this place fancy and glowing. We told the dude at the counter that our friend got a table and he let us in.

Me and Kyle saw Stan waving at us. We found him and took a seat at the table.

"So, how did you guys found out you love eachother?" Wendy finally spoke after a short but felt long silence. "Oh,!" I replied,, stunned. "We realized we had a lot of things in common and we basically fell in love with eachother!" I added as I looked at Kyle with a soft gaze. "Your really beautiful, Kyle." I added more as I caressed his face softly.

"We had a lot in common too." Stan said under his breath but I could hear him. My plan is working really well.

The waiter finally arrived with the menus and took our orders. It took a couple of minutes and we had small talk and all that.

Stan still looked pretty uncomfortable about me and Kyle and so did Kyle about Stan and Wendy.

"Finally, our order is here." Stan spat. The waiter placed each of our food in front of us.

"That looks really good, Kenny. Kinda regret ordering a salad." Kyle sighed. "Here," I cut a piece of the steak with a fork and this dinner knife and fed Kyle a piece. Kyle chewed on the steak and blushed a little. I looked over at Stan and I could tell that he was mad. "Here Wendy, try some of my food." Stan cut a piece of his and fed Wendy. I giggled a little.

A few minutes later

We were having more small talk about school and our love life.

"Hey, I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom. Come with me Kenny, I need help." Kyle interrupted and I followed him but instead of him going to the bathroom, he exited through the back of the restaurant, outside.

"Why did you make me come with you here?" I questioned Kyle.

"Kenny, I get your pretending and all. But, no one has ever treated me like this before. All my exes treated me like trash. They just come and go. Even though this is fake, I want it to be real." Kyle finally finished and looked at my eyes. I was stunned, I couldn't believe he just said that.

"Kyle, to be honest, I wasn't pretending. I've liked you since we were kids and I knew you liked Stan. It was pretty obvious, I wasn't pretending when we were practicing kissing, I wasn't pretending everytime we got close. I love you, Kyle." I finished too, holding both of Kyle's hands.

I held his face and leaned in for a kiss. We broke apart and a happy tear ran down my cheek. Kyle wiped it and hugged me. We finally finished and went back inside to the table. "What took you guys so long." Stan hissed. "Oh nothing" Kyle giggled.

We finished eating and said our goodbyes outside. Stan still seemed pretty pressed but Kyle finally moved on, well I hope so.

Kyle dropped me off at my house. "Goodnight Kenny," Kyle said as he kissed my cheek. "Also, you can keep that suit, it looks better on you." Kyle winked. I exited his car and he wave and drove off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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