Last Wish

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|| oneshot story ||


There was something odd between the Elementals. Why? because recently Solar, the woman, looked gloomy. The other her colleagues became worried about the woman.

Especially Quake—of course. The woman often asked about Solar's condition. But Solar is still stubborn if nothing happens to her. Gempa felt that Solar had started like this ever since the Retak'ka incident that took away her power. But lately it's just "rather" bad.

She might laugh under certain circumstances. But it cannot be denied that there is something that bothers her heart, but she hides it. Even the trouble maker trio was also aware of it.

They then agreed not to ask about her condition too often. Because they thought Solar would feel uncomfortable if kept asking questions. At most they would continue to make the situation less grim for her, and make her more comfortable.

But Halilintar. Can't take it anymore. he couldn't see the woman looked depressed. there was something in his heart that couldn't see Solar like this. He didn't like it. He was always thinking about her, making him worry about her.

Tomorrow, he, Blaze, and Quake are sent on a mission to several planets looking for a power sphere. The mission is expected to be longer than they usually get a mission. No one knows when the mission will be completed. Probably will took a while tho.

Thunder knows that his mind will not focus on this mission. He always thinks about Solar. That woman can not be separated from his brain. The young man realized that there was something different in his heart towards that woman.

He knows if he fell in love with Solar

No one knows about how he got that feelings. He certainly hasn't told her–yet. Thunder thought it would be impossible for Solar to have the same feelings towards him. So he better hide those feelings. But as we know, Thunder is very easy to read when it comes to things like this. Gempa and Taufan, his twins, are aware of Thunder's suspicious behavior.

"Hey Thunder, why are you acting weird when you are with Solar"


"Of course he would be like that, Gempa! Our big bro Thundy has a crush on her~"

"WHAT—?! NO!!"



The sound of the clock from the living room could be heard coming from the kitchen. The noise that was usually created in the big house was absent because everyone was asleep. Except Solar.

The woman was making a cup of coffee, as usual. There is still work to make her have to stay up tonight. Well, actually she doesn't really need coffee because of her sleep deprivation habit. Made her become insomniac.

She also realized that her insomnia had gotten a bit worse lately. Nightmares and her habit making her sleep less soundly. No matter how she wants to sleep, sleep will
not make her body fresh in the morning.


a voice, from one of her comrades came very faintly from behind. Solar turned towards the source of the voice, "hmm? What's up? Not sleep yet, Thunder?" The woman returned her gaze to the water she was boiling.

"Yeah, and you're still awake?" He said, as he walked towards the woman.

She then took a glance before spoke, "heh–don't act so suprised like that" She poured the hot water to her coffe cup, brewing the coffe.

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