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THE BOY WITH A CRUSH REALLY, didn't enjoy the time his crush gave over to her ex-enemy. It was like they were best friends all over again. Well, if they were even best friends from the start. The boy could never tell. But he could tell that he wanted to throw the blue haired girl all the way up into the moon.

Saiki tapped his cheek with an index finger as he knitted his eyebrows while staring at his crush. He didn't know how he could get Y/N away from Teruhashi.

Once the thought of the pink haired male approaching the two new friends, his eyes widened and he grimaced to himself.

After a few more thoughts flew past his mind, he groaned out loud, thinking of all the ways that he'd have to use his powers on his crush.

The male didn't want to do that at all, not because he didn't want to control Y/N, but because he just hated using his powers.

He slightly tilted his head back with a soft whine before he brushed himself off and prepared to face the blue haired demon that was taking away his woman.

Saiki took some steps to the two females, immediately gaining their attention the moment they saw his two antennas bouncing with every stride he did.

Once the boy was standing in front of the both of them women, he didn't say anything. His mouth was shut and they couldn't even tell what he was thinking.

Saiki crossed his arms, growing annoyed by his crushes confused face.

She was his one and only true love, yet it seemed like they were both on very different pages.

He expected her to know what he was thinking and he was pretty upset that she had no clue as to why he was there.

"Yes?" Teruhashi was the first one to speak up, as usual. It didn't seem like she could do any wrong, so of course she'd be the first one to talk out of all three of them.

Y/N looked inbetween the pink haired boy and the other teen, waiting for the male to responded with literally anything.

But, that wasn't going to happen at all. Saiki just opted to keep his dark eyes on his girl, so that's exactly what he did.

After more minutes, Y/N finally turned to the boy, giving him all of her attention. "What are you doing here Saiki?"

"I was waiting for you for quite some time." He said, glad that the woman decided to say something.

"Yeah, we were just talking about-"

"I don't care."

Y/N was caught off guard by the way Saiki spoke over Teruhashi, but she couldn't say she was surprised by his response to her.

"Hey, I'll be there okay? You just have to wait for me."

"But I want- no, I need you now. You've been doing this way too many times, and if I'm being honest it's getting annoying."

Now that really stunned the H/C haired teen. She was kind of flattered, but it was the way Saiki put it.

He seemed controlling even though he wasn't even using his powers.

Ahhh, Y/N is so god damn lucky.. and she's such a little brat. It's not fair that he likes her! It's not!

Saiki huffed out while staring at his crush, choosing to ignore the thoughts that went from the blue haired girl, "Can you come on?"

"No.. because we're not done with out conversation.." she laughed awkwardly, looking to her sides.

Saiki was so close to bitch slapping Teruhashi in her face just because of the way Y/N was talking to him.

"Jesus Christ!"

The two girls watched Saiki stomp back over to the table with an angry expression.

It really shocked the both of them because they'd never seen the boy so angry before. He was usually calm and to himself.

How did one sentence make Saiki that mad... Oh my god! He really does like her... Shit! I need to do something before he falls in love!

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