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Grace had never quite managed to live up to her moniker.

Eternally clumsy, she balanced it out with sheer bloody-mindedness and dumb luck. No walker had died (again) deliberately at her hand. A penchant for the dramatic helped her along, one would suppose, not many people were unsuccessful in downing a flesh eating corpse when they swung machetes around in a whirlwind of effort.

Negan was fascinated, infatuated and infuriated with her daily. He'd watch her swing a hatchet into the head of a walker behind the one she was aiming for and trip over her own feet out of harms way in a flurry of missteps. She was a sight to behold, a fiery red mass of corkscrew curls, skin like those porcelain dolls his Granny used to have en masse in her house. But her eyes. One blue, one green, on God they made the man weak.

The first time he'd seen her, she was shooting bullets into the wind as she ran backwards from a lone walker through the streets. She'd waved at him cheerfully as she drew level with him, his mouth hanging open in disbelief as he watched her sail past.

That was four years ago and he'd been watching her six ever since. Not an unpleasant undertaking, as we have already established.

Grace had been by his side as he grew the Saviours from a rag tag group of survivors to the powerhouse it had become. Despite her two left feet, she was as ruthless as Negan himself. She revelled in the power they wielded, his titian-haired Queen, he would raze villages for her and had done just that in the past. His source of strength, his greatest weakness, she instilled fear in his men with a single glance, honed to such perfection that she was known openly throughout Sanctuary as Medusa, a title she embraced.

I couldn't tell you yet, readers, whether this is a story of love or of mutual psychopathy or even a perfect blend of the two. (My money is on the latter, FYI)

I guess the two of them will let us know as we delve deeper into their lives.

Flawless - Not Really A Love Story (Negan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now