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Yan Heng naturally understood what he meant, he asked Yan Heng to sit on his back. It's just that such an action also has another symbol at the same time, that is, courtship. Although I know that you females are capable, shouldn't I be the one to do the courtship? In a daze, Yan Heng looked at him from hopeful to lonely, to closed eyes in disappointment.

     Ji has never been more nervous than he is now. He is determined to give himself a chance to start all over again, but he has not waited for a response from the other party for a long time. bring more loss,

     That's all, that's it! Since the other party is unwilling to respond, his meaning is already obvious. Just when Ji was about to get up tremblingly, he kept his hand on his spine, and Ji opened his eyes abruptly.

     All right! Yan Heng was just a little surprised, so he didn't react for a while. In the previous two lives, Yan Heng would never be interested in a man of the same sex whose appearance and figure were superior to his own. However, after meeting Ji, Yan Heng had to admit that he was attracted to this female just like that. Apart from being old enough to be one's own elder, there is no one who is better than him. Besides, isn't this exactly what I have always wanted?

     Seeing Ji's increasingly disappointed eyes, Yan Heng realized his mistake, and immediately reached out to caress Ji's back as he was about to get up.

     Caressing the other person's spine, Yan Heng smiled at Ji, and Ji, who was shining instantly, appeared in Yan Heng's eyes.

     The orcs around saw Yan Heng's actions, and they all knew that it was done. The clansmen who were happy for their leader changed their animal shapes one after another, raised their heads to the sky and howled, startling the birds in the forest in the distance.

     Yan Heng jumped onto Ji's body neatly, and shouted to the orcs who were still excited: "Let's go!"


     The forest in spring is full of lush vegetation and exudes vitality. A pheasant sprang out here, and a colorful bird flew over there. There are mountains in the distance, and the high mountains reach into the sky. It's a pity that only Yan Heng can enjoy this beautiful scenery. As soon as the other people enter the forest, they immediately forget their joy and explore the surroundings vigilantly. Yan Heng also got off Ji's back and walked on foot.

     They first went to the fire forest, and dug out all the nearby fire tree seedlings with a height of about one meter, about 60 trees. Such saplings are easier to rework. Next, I ran to the fire oil tree. I also dug a lot of this kind of tree, nearly 40 trees. One is for the fuel of the tribe in the future, and the other is to deal with the fire attack during the snow season.

     Along the way, Yan Heng found jujube trees, persimmon trees, kiwi trees, hawthorn trees, and peach trees. In fact, there are many fruit trees in the mountains, but Yan Heng only knows these now. After all, it is spring and there are no fruit trees yet. result. A total of 43 trees were dug by these tree feasts and others.

     Yan Heng also found some seasonings, such as pepper, Chinese prickly ash, star anise, cumin, mustard, cinnamon, and a lot of seedlings, and packed them all away.

     Every time they pass by a place, Yanheng and the others are like a strong wind passing through the border, and they are reluctant to put everything into the back basket. Soon, they found potato seedlings, and they dug out a pile of potato seedlings like a treasure. Looking at the companions around him, he said: "This is potatoes, a kind of food that can fill the stomach. It should be harvested during the rainy season." Hearing Yan Heng said that it can fill the stomach, these seedlings were very eager.

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