Chapter 22

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               Jisung doesn't know what to do. He has never tried to impress someone before and he doesn't know how to dress up for a date. Well, the reason why Jisung was this nervous was because earlier that day morning, Jungkook asked Jisung whether he wants to accompany him shopping in town. Jisung considered it as a date. He wants to look good for Jungkook when he going to be with him. But the problem was the only dress he has is Jungkook's dress.
He slowly ended his debate in his head and chose a pink shirt with a white inner shirt. He wondered why Jungkook has such a colorful dress as all he has seen Jungkook wear was dark shades or white.

Jisung slowly descend to Jungkook who was waiting at the driveway. He closed the door and took the keys with him to give to Jungkook. He never felt this nervous ever in his life. He even couldn't look at his eyes. He shyly smiled at him. Jungkook smiled back and greeted him.

Jungkook: " You look pretty and cute. I have to worry and be cautious now as someone might try to kidnap you."

Jisung doesn't how to react to this. Is it a compliment? He wondered. He gave his ever-healing smile back in a return. Jungkook held his heart as he was attacked by his cuteness and chuckled.

That's when Jisung thought, he wants to live the rest of his life only with jungkook. Jungkook bought a motorcycle 🏍 from nowhere. Jisung has never seen this motorcycle before. Jungkook gave Jisung a cute pink helmet. Jisung fumbled to put his helmet on. So jungkook took his helmet from him and put it on Jisung. Jisung couldn't help but stop blushing. Jungkook was so close and he could feel his scent intoxicating him and filling and covering him. Jungkook bumped Jisung's nose with his once the helmet was settled on his head.

He asked Jisung to hold him tight. Jisung lay on Jungkook's back and held him close. He loved Jungkook's natural smell.

The whole shopping was giving him domestic vibes. As if he is going out with his Alpha and the father of his child. He didn't want to moment to end and wanted to stay forever in it. He wished he could stay in this forest house with Jungkook forever. He hoped his Hyung's would understand him and accept him. He wondered how they are and whether they are searching for him. He could only wish for his safety. He still wondered why he hasn't asked Jungkook for the phone and called his brothers yet he knows very well why if he did they'll come and pick him up from here and he didn't want to go back to the cruel castle and to his Father so soon.

He also wondered why was Jungkook staying in a lone house in the forest and who he was and why was he alone and who are his family and whether he has one. He even wondered whether he was a killer. But seeing Jungkook's eyes he very well knows he isn't going to kill him anytime soon. That's all matters. And he also wants to be happy and with Jungkook he is.

Jungkook got some normal groceries for dinner and the house. They shop for some dresses for Jisung to wear. Jisung chose his dress very well and which would impress Jungkook.

Jungkook: Sorry, My prince. I couldn't get precious dresses for you.

Jisung: Any dress you buy me is priceless, Alpha.

This made Jungkook give a small warm smile at Jisung, which made Jisung's heart skip a beat. While returning to their vehicle. Jisung stopped at a shop and looked through the window. A pearl necklace was on display and he loved it. He wanted to buy it but now he didn't have any money to buy he sighed and moved out of the place.

Jungkook noticed it. He asked Jisung to wait near the motorcycle while he went into the shop and got it for him.

Jisung: You didn't have to do it.

Jungkook: Well, you wished and wanted it and it was something I can afford. And I didn't want to see you sigh and be sad. So ... Come here let me put it on you.

Jisung felt like heaven.  He wanted nothing more for that mere minute.  He was ready to submit to him.  He felt like Jungkook was courting him. On the way back the only thought on Jisung's mind was to ask Jungkook out today.

Once back at the gateway, Jisung got down very excitingly and ran back to the house.  He was shocked to see the front door open.  He slowly entered in. He was the most beautiful lad he has ever seen. The mole on his nose increased his beauty more. He would have been mistaken for as an angel if he was in a white dress. Even angels would be jealous of him due to his beauty. 

He smells like the finest scents he has ever smelt. Jisung felt very conscious of himself. The aroma gave him an inferiority complex. He wondered how could an Omega be as beautiful and fragrant as him. He wondered who he was and what he was doing in their house. 

As soon as Jungkook entered,  he drop the bag just inhaling the scent and identifying who has returned.  He ran into unknown person's arms just before Jisung's eyes and kissed the breath out of him.

Jungkook: I missed you. I missed you, my love. Don't go anywhere without me anymore.  I miss you, My Omega,  my Tae.

Jisung heart broke into pieces,  he couldn't bear what he was seeing and what he was happening before his eyes.  He ran to his room. He fell on his bed a broke into a silent cry. He couldn't believe he fell for someone who already has a mate. 

His heart bleeds and cried out loud.  He wanted to die. He wanted to kill himself.   He didn't want to accept the reality of Jungkook not being his.

It hurts a lot......


An Update guys, Hope you like it.
I know it's been a long wait for another update.
Long Chapter guys, hope you find it interesting.
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I hope all of you guys have a great day...
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I'll try to update as soon as possible.
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