life and friends

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True life wasn't fair for the lovers, but Lyna couldn't forget what had happened. Many ideas of vengeance and wickedness are swirling around her heart. Sonia pulled all from her as she was about to enter the cage of love. Lyna is now pregnant, and it is all Steven left behind for her. Accepting the truth and reality is really painful, but in the end, you will discover yourself by doing so. Life should be a series of doors that open for our benefit. Lyna eventually accepted all that had occurred to her.

"Oh great miss look! We made it to town," David remarked.

"Thank you, God. I much appreciate your assistance." Lyna said.

"No worries. Good-by." David stated.

"Wait a second. I'd want to tell you something." Lyna inquired.

"What exactly is it?" David inquired.

"Before, I lied to you. When you spotted blood on my clothes, it was my husband Steven's blood." Lyna said.

"What? What exactly do you mean? "Did you murder him?" David yelled and oddly inquired.

"No! Sonia did it." Lyna responded.

"Sonia? Sonia, you said?" David stated.

"Yes, she is the murderer. Dani, her husband, was also murdered." Lyna responded.

"How come you didn't tell me that before? My cousin James is now in terrible danger." David stated.

"Don't go back there by yourself. You must first notify the police and then proceed to the location." Lyna said.

"Okay. How about you? What are you up to right now?" David inquired.

"I'm heading to the hospital for Romeo. He's in a lot of pain and requires a lot of support." Lyna said.

"Please do so. I'm going to call the cops right now." David said.

David went to the police station right away and told them everything that had happened, while Lyna brought Romeo to the hospital, where everyone was astonished by what had transpired. Everyone was curious about Steven and Dani. Lyna couldn't stop weeping and all she wanted was to sleep. She was shattered. Romeo was aided by her pals. He was in desperate need of assistance. That was horrible on the inside of the island. You would never believe that a doctor could murder her husband, a friend, and even attempt to murder her son. Sonia had arrived at this moment. Everyone will be destroyed by her might and the darkness in her heart. If no one intervenes, she will kill a large number of people.

The cops had interrogated David. They are already aware of Sonia's escape from the jail. David couldn't believe Sonia had committed all of these atrocities, and he was terrified of his cousin James, who had left him alone with her.

"Don't be concerned, Mr. David. We'll assist your cousin James." a police officer stated

"Thank you, sir." I had no idea she was a murderer." David stated.

James and Sonia are inside the island. Sonia was so frigid when he tried to talk to her and show her his affection. She was that horrible girl who never loved him, and now she's trying to figure out how to solve her problem.

"Please, we need to go off the island," Sonia said.

"Why? Is there something wrong, Sonia?" James inquired.

"Do you recall the couple you met in the village? That you mentioned in your letter to me?" Sonia inquired.

"I do, indeed. What is going on with that couple?" James inquired oddly.

"They're attempting to cause me difficulties." I assume they told the cops that I murdered my parents, and they must now be accompanying the cops." Sonia stated.

"What? But you didn't, so why are you so afraid? Let's simply go to the cops; they'll understand." James responded.

"No. We had to go right away." Sonia inquired.

"I'm not going to let the island go now." James stated.

"Sonia is a highly bright person." She used her passionate words and her attractiveness to entice him and persuade him to leave the island. He eventually agreed. So they replied that they were preparing everything aboard the boat. They were so fast to ready themselves that they sped out on the boat for another town that was too far away from the island and the twin where Lyna resides.

The police were already on their way to the island when Lyna regained her energy and all of her pals gathered her.

"I hope everything is OK with you." Missa inquired.

"Yes, I'm feeling great right now." Lyna responded.

"Could you just tell us what happened to you?" Sami stated.

"Please give her some time to recover." Missa inquired.

"No, I'm OK." "I can communicate." Lyna said.

"Please, I'm terrified of what's going on over there. Do the rumors hold water?" Sami inquired.

"Actually, absolutely, and I've seen everything with my own eyes." Sonia is a ruthless assassin. She murdered Dani, her husband, who had always trusted and loved her. When I traveled to the island with Steven, it was my fault since I didn't believe what he said or what everyone else said. She also murdered him. We used to assist her and now we simply know the truth. It was a blunder on our part. "We walked to the grave with our legs." Lyna stated this while sobbing and feeling really sorry.

"It's not your fault. Don't say anything like that. Sonia, the narcissistic lady, is the only one who is misguided. "I want to suffocate her with my hand." Missa said.

"I'm not sure what she was thinking, but she was quite bright." Steven is a powerful man, as you are aware. I couldn't believe she'd done it and murdered him." Lyna said.

"I know Steven; he was a good buddy of mine." He is a powerful man." Sami stated.

"Perhaps she did something to make him weak." Missa said.

"What exactly do you mean by something'?" Sami inquired.

"Something like a somnolent sami." Remember, she is also a doctor." Lyna responded.

"That witch has the power to accomplish anything." She had no right to be a doctor. Let us now turn our attention to another alternative." Missa said.

"I'm sure the cops are on their way right now." Lyna

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