Friends forever

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The day we parted was the worst day of my life

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The day we parted was the worst day of my life.. the moment I lost my best friend, everything felt empty and.. there was a void in my chest again. I thought we'd be friends till the end, why did you have to leave me? Alone in this place, I have no one else, you were my only friend Dezue.. why'd you have to leave..

It was gradual.. you slowly grew weaker and weaker but hid it from me, you hid it from me!! I knew something was up when you grew pale and wasn't as active as you normally were. When I ran you would run but get tired faster. We played all day and all night everyday.. Till the day you went to the hospital.. that's when it all ended.. the day you finally told me what was up with you.. your big, loving, brave heart

was failing you..

Why wouldn't you tell me earlier? I would have taken you to places and.. and.. we could have spent your last days sleeping over and.. *crying* we could've done so much.. I miss you Dezue.. I miss you so much..

I'm sorry Ruth.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I wanted you to be happy, and treat me as if nothing was going on, like normal, I never wanted you to worry, or cry over my death. But I know it would have happened anyways, we are still friends, I'm still with you always and forever, we'll meet again soon. When your time comes. I love you with all my soul and will- no.. I WILL protect you. You were my everything, my friend, my sister, my family, and I know I was yours too, I never really left your side.. I'm always gonna be here. I'll comfort you when you cry, I'll love you when you think none else does, I'll help you with your worries.. I'll do what I can.. like normal.. like we did everyday.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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