Character numero uno

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T a s k i l l

Commonly known as:

T H E   B R A W L E R


The man is a hybrid between a highland cattle cow, or rather bull in this case.

He stands at a staggering 6'7, and built like a literal tank.

His hair and fur color are of a black abyss, or in literal terms vanta black. If light shines on him, it seems he absorbs it like a blackhole, in the cases that the light isn't made of magic or the dark kind.

Although he is actually very muscly, his stomach is one of the bigger parts of his body, being able to take a gut punch without flinching because of the fat. ( Think about Thor from God of War: Ragnarok )

He has sharp horns on both sides of his face, not too big so he maintains his balance when needed to dodge something quickly.

His hair is very long and thick, most of the time wearing it in a man-bun in the back because of fighting reasons.

He is also very, very fluffy! If you've seen how much fur his breed of cow has, then you know how fluffy this big guy is!

Information needed to know:

The man is over 1000+ years old, being able to reach immortality by black magic.

Although his immortality is the only form of black magic he knows.

He is a former prisoner, mostly being because of the grave crimes he may have committed throughout history.

He still keeps his wrist and leg cuffs, them (wrist cuffs) being upgraded into being able to summon two spears that are close to impossible to break due to the fine material they're made of.

As you'll see later, he is one of the bestest friends to "T H E   S U M M O N E R", and also being the partner of said person.

And as you'll see in the next chapter, he has taken a "child" under his wing, training him.

He has specialized in almost all kinds of combat styles, being able to change his battle strategy the moment the person he's fighting figures out his strategy.

As said about the crimes, the first he had ever committed was the murder of his "mother", her soul haunting him in every decision he makes.

If it were that someone decided to train under him, said person will go through spartan levels of training.


As a young child/calf, he was always mistreated by the males around, who were trying to fight for dominance over the tribe he was born into.

His mother wasn't any better, she was a narcissist, yet put up a good act of being a loving mother to Taskill, she purposely manipulating him into causing trouble, then punishing him for the doings he was influenced into.

As he started to develop into a preteen, he started to train to gain dominance of the tribe like the other men in his tribe, and being inspired to get vengeance for the way he was treated.

After discovering a book containing black magic spells, he learnt how to make himself immortal, and finally after all of that got his revenge.

Though, his revenge was seen like sudden and reckless by the tribes-folk, a punishment bestowed upon him by a shaman was the curse of his mother's soul haunting him everyday, judging every decision he makes and every action he does.


Generally acts laid-back, like nothing seems to affects him on the outside.

Some random shit for him that doesn't fit in the other categories:

Although having committed various war-crimes (at this point), he is trying to better himself. Give a sense of comfort to those who suffered like him before and get his vengeance to those who caused him or cause him pain.

He is generally known to live around the freezing fields of where he currently resides, rarely going into any town.

He is very intimidating, despite the fact of how fluffy he is, his large stature and raw strengt scaring anyone who dares pick a fight with him.


Well, that's all folks for this oc right now, I might add later due to him not being a prominent character in my lore, so he is still kind of "fresh" when it comes to his implications of his character development.

I might also develop a fanfic for the characters I write of in this book so, stay tuned for that I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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